How to declare an object that is a list of lists of a generic type [closed]

|▌冷眼眸甩不掉的悲伤 提交于 2019-12-25 03:07:13


Is it possible to declare an object that is is a list of lists of a generic types. So a little like private List<List<T>> outerList = new List<List<T>>(); but a statement that actually compiles.

I do not want to use dynamics like so: private List<List<dynamic>> list2 = new List<List<dynamic>>(); as I would like type safety.

I'd kind of like to be able to:

foreach(List<T> innerList in outerList)
    foreach(T item in innerList)

Ideally I'd like to declare a class that inherits from the List<List<T>>


I probably should have been clearer. The inner lists must be able to have different types. so one inner list may be List<string> and another List<int>


Following @ErikE's request the question has been reworded here.


Sure, you can define that as a generic class:

public class Foo<T> : List<List<T>>


and then have a generic method that processes one of them:

public void Process<T>(Foo<T> outerList)
    foreach(List<T> innerList in outerList)
        foreach(T item in innerList)

of course doSomethingTo would then need to be generic as well.

I probably should have been clearer. The inner lists must be able to have different types. so one inner list may be List<string> and another List<int>

Yes, you should have been clearer. There's no inheritance relationship between List<string> and List<int> that would allow you to store them in a single type-safe outer collection. You would have to resort to List<object> or List<dynamic>, or find a different data structure that meets your needs.


You can't have a List<List<T>> that its T could be variable in each item. For example if T=string then your list is List<List<string>> and you can not have any List<int> in your top list.

The list you can use is List<List<object>> and the thing that will help you to be typed when working with list, is Cast<T> method like this:

var list = new List<List<object>>();

var intList = new List<int>() { 1, 2, 3 };
var stringList = new List<string>() { "a", "b", "c" };


var sum = 0;
        .ForEach(i =>
            sum += i;

var msg = "";
        .ForEach(s =>
            msg += s;


  • We add items typed: (List<int>, List<string>)
  • We use items typed: (Cast<int>, Cast<string>)


If we recall the times of .NET 1.1, there is also a bunch of classes in System.Collections namespace that almost nobody uses nowadays. With that said you could come with something like this:

System.Collections.Generic.List<System.Collections.ArrayList> outerList =
  new System.Collections.Generic.List<System.Collections.ArrayList>();

