I am creating a sand-boxed application on MAC(10.9).When App Sand-boxed is off then i am able to get files and folders from any path. But when I does App Sand-boxed enabled it's not accessing any files and folders from any path. Getting file and folder from path ("/Volumes/DriveName" or "/" etc.) when App Sand-boxed is off using Qt 5.0
// for folders
QStringList folderlist;
QDir curDir = QDir(path);
QFileInfoList list = curDir.entryInfoList();
QfileInfo fileInfo = list.at(i);
folderList << fileInfo.filePath();
// for files
QStringList filelist;
QDirIterator dirIn(path,filterfiles,QDir::AllEnteries);
QfileInfo fileInfo = dirIn.fileInfo();
filelist<< fileInfo.filePath();
What i do same when App sand-boxed is enabled?
That's the point of a sandbox, you can only access resources within the sandbox. A user may add files to the sandbox, but that requires your application to launch a file open dialog box, so they can choose the file they want to work with.
I suggest you start by reading the Apple documentation here.