Has anyone tried to play sounds through the speakers and headphones at the same time? Android + iOS

柔情痞子 提交于 2019-12-25 02:28:18


I currently have an app that generates sounds on the fly, like pure tones and white noise, and I can hear that on the headphones. Is it possible to send the same signal to the internal speakers and the headphones at the same time? I would like to do this on iOS 7 and KitKat. Probably, Android L and iOS 8 in the future...

On iOS I have seen that a new feature was introduced on iOS 6, multiroute, which let select the audio route. The thing is that when I connect the headphones I can not choose the internal speakers. Maybe I am doing something wrong. I think that would help me on Android...

On Android, I have found this simultaneously using a headphone and speaker. But that is from one year ago.

Has anyone tried this?



On iOS, I don't think you can route audio to both the headphones and the speakers. You can control the routing to different audio interfaces using the multi-route audio code included in this Apple WWDC slideshow, but the built-in headphone jack and speakers are part of the same audio interface, and I don't think there is a way to override the behavior within that interface of disabling the speaker when the headphones are connected.


To do this on Android, it should suffice to set your audio stream to STREAM_ALARM:

MediaPlayer player = new MediaPlayer();
// Your player initialisation code here

