How to read text file into @table variable using bcp command

瘦欲@ 提交于 2019-12-25 02:26:47


I have below text file having different words inside it:

My aim is to insert only 4 character words from the text file into a table variable which is @temp, using bcp command.

So, at the end, the table variable @temp will look like below:


  1. Create a table where you will store the data coming from your file:

    create table import(WORDS nvarchar(100))
  2. Import data from file with bcp into the table created in the first step:

    bcp [test].[dbo].[import] in d:\test.txt -c -T
  3. Declare @table variable:

    declare @table table ([ID] int identity(1,1), WORDS nvarchar(100))
  4. Insert into @table variable only words with length = 4:

    insert into @table 
    select WORDS 
    from import
    where len(WORDS) <= 4

Now @table variable contains this data:

