How to show BottomNavigationBar again on navigate back

狂风中的少年 提交于 2019-12-25 01:43:49


I'm using a BottomNavigationBar with HideBottomViewOnScrollBehavior to hide it when user scrolls down and display it when user scrolls up. This works great.

But how can i show the BottomNavigationBar again when it's hidden because user scrolled down and navigates back over back button?

At the moment my BottomNavigationView stays hidden.

I'm using support library 28.0.0


Maybe somebody has a better solution for this, but for now i came up with the following.

In my MainActivity of my SingleActivity app i added the following function to simulate up scrolling:

fun ensureBottomNavigation() {
    if(bottomNavigationView.translationY != 0f) {
        val layoutParams = bottomNavigationView.layoutParams as CoordinatorLayout.LayoutParams
        val behavior = layoutParams.behavior as HideBottomViewOnScrollBehavior

        behavior.onNestedScroll(container, bottomNavigationView, host_fragment.view!!, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0)

In every Fragment of my app i'm calling this function in onResume() like this:

override fun onResume() {

    // Ensure that bottom navigation view is visible onResume()
    (activity as MainActivity).ensureBottomNavigation()

