I am trying to pass a list of IDs to a REST api (apex ords).
I have a url like this :
when I do :
I get the item with id = 1 but if I do :
I get a 500 Internal Server Error
How should I format my url so I can use the 1,2,3 list in a where id in (ids)
in apex ords?
this is a screenshot of ords if it can help :
That SQL won't work becase ORDS does not split the csv values out. So that sql as-is will be checking for id in ( '1,2,3')
not id in ( 1,2,3)
There's multiple ways to accomplish what the intent is.
For example, using XMLTABLE
SELECT rownum,object_id
FROM user_objects
WHERE rownum IN (
select (column_value).getstringval() csv_values
xmltable(('"' || REPLACE(:ids, ',', '","')|| '"'))
There are other ways mentioned here: Using the "IN" clause with a comma delimited string from the output of a replace() function in Oracle SQL
Here's an ORDS REST API doing exactly what you intend.
In a URL, comma ',' has special meaning/purpose. It is to separate query arguments in url e.g
So server is throwing 500 error as it finds corrupted or incomplete key/value pairs. It expects key=value pair after each comma. To get around this we need to urlencode value e.g