set/unset checkbox value with docx4j in MS Word document

浪尽此生 提交于 2019-12-24 21:06:48


I'm trying to set/unset checkbox value with docx4j in MS Word document.

Using code from this post: docx4j checking checkboxes I received following XML of this element from my document:

<w:fldChar w:fldCharType="begin" xmlns:w15="" xmlns:w14="" xmlns:ns21="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:powerpoint" xmlns:ns23="" xmlns:dsp="" xmlns:w10="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:word" xmlns:mc="" xmlns:odx="" xmlns:odgm="" xmlns:dgm="" xmlns:ns17="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:excel" xmlns:c="" xmlns:odi="" xmlns:a="" xmlns:ns9="" xmlns:wp="" xmlns:o="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" xmlns:ns32="" xmlns:m="" xmlns:pic="" xmlns:ns30="" xmlns:ns12="" xmlns:ns31="" xmlns:wne="" xmlns:odq="" xmlns:w="" xmlns:v="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml" xmlns:r="" xmlns:xdr="" xmlns:odc="" xmlns:oda="">
    <w:name w:val=""/>
    <w:calcOnExit w:val="false"/>
        <w:default w:val="true"/>

How could I unset value of this checkbox?

Thank You!


You need to find your check box element, and when you have it the rest is trivial. Example.

for (Object o2 : contentControl.getSdtPr().getRPrOrAliasOrLock()) {

        o2 = XmlUtils.unwrap(o2);
        if (o2 instanceof CTSdtCheckbox) {

            CTSdtCheckbox cTSdtCheckbox = (CTSdtCheckbox) o2;
            CTOnOff ctOnOff = new CTOnOff();




To unset the checkbox you either need to change the default flag or add a new child node <w:checked w:val="false"/> to the <w:checkBox> node.

E.g. for your example the XML for an unchecked checkbox (overriding the default value) would look like this:

<w:fldChar w:fldCharType="begin">
    <w:name w:val=""/>
    <w:calcOnExit w:val="false"/>
        <w:default w:val="true"/>
        <w:checked w:val="false"/>

With docx4j the code would look as follows:

final CTFFCheckBox checkbox = // retrieve your checkbox
final BooleanDefaultTrue booleanFalse = new BooleanDefaultTrue();
checkbox.setChecked(booleanFalse); // alternatively call checkbox.setDefault(booleanFalse);

How to retrieve the CTFFCheckBox instance was already explained in the answer of your first question. If you have a FldChar instance you can retrieve the checkbox instance via FldChar#getFfData()#getNameOrEnabledOrCalcOnExit() which returns a list of JAXBElement elements. One of the JAXBElement elements has a CTFFCheckbox instance in its value (JAXBElement#getValue).


In my work I had to write code to set/unset two kinds of checkboxes in MS Word documents (.docx): CTFFCheckBox and CTSdtCheckbox. I ended up using XPath and docx4j to find the checkboxes and change their values. Here is the sample code to flip all CTFFCheckBox in a document:

    WordprocessingMLPackage wordPackage = WordprocessingMLPackage.load(template);
    MainDocumentPart mainDocumentPart = wordPackage.getMainDocumentPart();
    List<Object> list = mainDocumentPart.getJAXBNodesViaXPath("//w:checkBox",false);
    for (Object c : list) {
        JAXBElement<CTFFCheckBox> element = (JAXBElement<CTFFCheckBox>)c;
        CTFFCheckBox checkBox = element.getValue();
        BooleanDefaultTrue checkedVal = checkBox.getChecked();
        BooleanDefaultTrue defaultVal = checkBox.getDefault();
        if (checkedVal != null){
        } else {

To flip a CTSdtCheckbox I had to also modify the text symbol representing the checkbox. After locating the checkbox with one XPath expression I located the text symbol using another XPath expression relative to the checkbox:

    WordprocessingMLPackage wordPackage = WordprocessingMLPackage.load(template);
    MainDocumentPart mainDocumentPart = wordPackage.getMainDocumentPart();
    List<Object> list = mainDocumentPart.getJAXBNodesViaXPath("//w14:checkbox", false);
    for (Object c : list) {
        JAXBElement<CTSdtCheckbox> element = (JAXBElement<CTSdtCheckbox>)c;
        CTSdtCheckbox checkbox = element.getValue();
        List<Object> list2 = mainDocumentPart.getJAXBNodesViaXPath("../..//w:t", element, false);
        Text chkSymbol = ((JAXBElement<Text>) list2.get(0)).getValue();
        CTOnOff checkedVal = checkbox.getChecked();
        if (checkedVal.getVal().compareTo("0") == 0) {
            chkSymbol.setValue(new String(Character.toChars(0x2612)));
        } else {
            chkSymbol.setValue(new String(Character.toChars(0x2610)));

