I am looking for all starbucks' stores in a given location through googleway
's google_places
res <- google_places(search_string = 'starbucks in Sao Paulo SP',
key = my_key)
# get second page of results
token <- res$next_page_token
res_next1 <- google_places(search_string = 'starbucks in Sao Paulo SP',
page_token = token,
key = my_key)
This works fine, however, when I attempt to get the next 20 results (page 3 of results) I get the following error
token2<- res_next1$next_page_token
res_next2 <- google_places(search_string = 'starbucks in Sao Paulo SP',
page_token = token2,
key = my_key)
Error: lexical error: invalid char in json text.
(right here) ------^
This problem was solved with the new github version of the package.
A subsequent problem was when trying to access all page results in a loop
lool = list()
# problem happens when searches[i] = 'starbucks in Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo'
for(i in 1:length(searches)){
j = 1 # page counter
res <- google_places(search_string = searches[i],
key = key)
if(is.null(res$results$name)) {cat(i, 'null\n'); next}
lool[[paste0(i, '-', j)]] <- data.frame(title = res$results$name,
address = res$results$formatted_address)
token = res$next_page_token
j = j + 1
res_n <- google_places(search_string = searches[i],
page_token = token,
key = key)
lool[[paste0(i, '-', j)]] <- data.frame(title = res_n$results$name,
address = res_n$results$formatted_address)
token <- res_n$next_page_token
aa = res$status
cat(i, j, aa, '\n')
With this code, the third page results in
While if I run the code like this
token <- res$next_page_token
j <- j + 1
res_2 <- google_places(search_string = searches[i],
page_token = token,
key = joao_key)
lool[[paste0(i, '-', j)]] <- data.frame(title = res_2$results$name,
address = res_2$results$formatted_address)
token2 <- res_2$next_page_token
j = j + 1
res_3 <- google_places(search_string = searches[i],
page_token = token,
key = joao_key)
lool[[paste0(i, '-', j)]] <- data.frame(title = res_3$results$name,
address = res_3$results$formatted_address)
token3 <- res_3$next_page_token
j = j + 1
res_4 <- google_places(search_string = searches[i],
page_token = token,
key = joao_key)
lool[[paste0(i, '-', j)]] <- data.frame(title = res_4$results$name,
address = res_4$results$formatted_address)
token4 <- res_4$next_page_token
all works fine. What am I missing here?