(preferably boost) lock-free array/vector/map/etc?

 ̄綄美尐妖づ 提交于 2019-12-24 14:23:25


Considering my lack of c++ knowledge, please try to read my intent and not my poor technical question.

This is the backbone of my program https://github.com/zaphoyd/websocketpp/blob/experimental/examples/broadcast_server/broadcast_server.cpp

I'm building a websocket server with websocket++ (and oh is websocket++ sweet. I highly recommend), and I can easily manipulate per user data thread-safely because it really doesn't need to be manipulated by different threads; however, I do want to be able to write to an array (I'm going to use the catch-all term "array" from weaker languages like vb, php, js) in one function thread (with multiple iterations that could be running simultanously) and also read in 1 or more threads.

Take stack as an example: if I wanted to have all of the ids (PRIMARY column of all articles) sorted in a particular way, in this case by net votes, and held in memory, I'm thinking I would have a function that's called in its' own boost::thread, fired whenever a vote on the site comes in to reorder the array.

How can I do this without locking & blocking? I'm 100% fine with users reading from an old array while another is being built, but I absolutely do not want their reads or the thread writes to ever fail/be blocked.

Does a lock-free array exist? If not, is there some way to build the new array in a temporary array and then write it to the actual array when the building is finished without locking & blocking?


Have you looked at Boost.Lockfree?


Uh, uh, uh. Complicated.

Look here (for an example): RCU -- and this is only about multiple reads along with ONE write.

My guess is that multiple writers at once are not going to work. You should rather look for a more efficient representation than an array, one that allows for faster updates. How about a balanced tree? log(n) should never block anything in a noticeable fashion.

Regarding boost -- I'm happy that it finally has proper support for thread synchronization.

Of course, you could also keep a copy and batch the updates. Then a background process merges the updates and copies the result for the readers.

