An efficient way to indicate multiple indicator variables per row with composite key? [duplicate]

痞子三分冷 提交于 2019-12-24 13:42:35


My indicator and value objects have composite keys that map to each other is there an efficient way to aggregate the values into the indicator object?

Given an "empty" indicator dataframe:

indicator <- data.frame(Id1=c(1,1,2,2,3,3,4,4), Id2=c(10,11,10,12,10,12,10,12),Ind_A=rep(0,8),Ind_B=rep(0,8))

    Id1    Id2 Ind_A Ind_B
1     1     10     0     0
2     1     11     0     0
3     2     10     0     0
4     2     12     0     0
5     3     10     0     0
6     3     12     0     0
7     4     10     0     0
8     4     12     0     0

and a dataframe of values:

values <- data.frame(Id1=c(1,1,1,2,2,3,3,4,4,4),Id2=c(10,10,11,10,12,10,12,10,10,12),Indicators=c('Ind_A','Ind_B','Ind_A','Ind_B','Ind_A','Ind_A','Ind_A','Ind_A','Ind_B','Ind_A'));

     Id1    Id2 Indicators
1      1     10      Ind_A
2      1     10      Ind_B
3      1     11      Ind_A
4      2     10      Ind_B
5      2     12      Ind_A
6      3     10      Ind_A
7      3     12      Ind_A
8      4     10      Ind_A
9      4     10      Ind_B
10     4     12      Ind_A

I want to end up with:

Id1     Id2   Ind_A    Ind_B
  1      10       1        1
  1      11       1        0
  2      10       0        1
  2      12       1        0
  3      10       1        0
  3      12       1        0
  4      10       1        1
  4      12       1        0


You could use dcast to convert the "values" dataset from 'long' to 'wide' format.

dcast(values, Id1+Id2~Indicators, value.var='Indicators', length)
#    Id1 Id2 Ind_A Ind_B
#1   1  10     1     1
#2   1  11     1     0
#3   2  10     0     1
#4   2  12     1     0
#5   3  10     1     0
#6   3  12     1     0
#7   4  10     1     1
#8   4  12     1     0

As showed above, you may not need to create a second dataset, but if you need to change the values in one dataset based on the value in other,

indicator$Ind_A <- (, c(indicator[1:2], 'Ind_A')) %in% 
      , values))+0L
indicator$Ind_B <- (, c(indicator[1:2], 'Ind_B')) %in% 
      , values))+0L

