
Python Indicator stops updating after 3 times on Ubuntu

醉酒当歌 提交于 2021-02-10 18:13:59
问题 i am writing an Indicator in Python which should update every 5 minutes. Unfortunately the label is updated only 3 times, but then the label stays the same, although the thread still runs. For demonstration purpose, I replaced the data with the current time. #!/usr/bin/env python3 import signal import gi import threading gi.require_version('Gtk', '3.0') gi.require_version('AppIndicator3', '0.1') from gi.repository import Gtk, AppIndicator3, GObject import time class Indicator(): def __init__

How to access the last indicator values

老子叫甜甜 提交于 2021-01-29 10:01:15
问题 I've got an indicator which shows pivot points: //@version=4 study("Trend", overlay=false) leftBars = input(3) rightBars = input(3) ph = pivothigh(high, leftBars, rightBars) pl = pivotlow(low, leftBars, rightBars) How can I check if the last ph was higher than the ph before? (I'd like to check for an uptrend or downtrend) 回答1: You can try the following code (including your original, as you see): //@version=4 study("Trend", overlay=false) leftBars = input(3) rightBars = input(3) ph = pivothigh

how to make Percent Indicator change color programmatically in flutter?

痴心易碎 提交于 2021-01-01 04:21:56
问题 I'm using a package called percent indicator and I'm currently using its CircularPercentIndicator() I'm just wondering how to change the progress color when a certain percentage met? For example: I have a starting progress color of green at 0% when reaching 60% progress color should change to orange and when reaching 80% color should be red. here's what I got at the moment: import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'package:percent_indicator

how to make Percent Indicator change color programmatically in flutter?

自作多情 提交于 2021-01-01 04:21:40
问题 I'm using a package called percent indicator and I'm currently using its CircularPercentIndicator() I'm just wondering how to change the progress color when a certain percentage met? For example: I have a starting progress color of green at 0% when reaching 60% progress color should change to orange and when reaching 80% color should be red. here's what I got at the moment: import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'package:percent_indicator

R: Create Indicator Columns from list of conditions

馋奶兔 提交于 2020-06-12 06:01:31
问题 I have a dataframe and a number of conditions. Each condition is supposed to check whether the value in a certain column of the dataframe is within a set of valid values. This is what I tried: # create the sample dataframe age <- c(120, 45) sex <- c("x", "f") df <-data.frame(age, sex) # create the sample conditions conditions <- list( list("age", c(18:100)), list("sex", c("f", "m")) ) addIndicator <- function (df, columnName, validValues) { indicator <- vector() for (row in df[, toString

R: Create Indicator Columns from list of conditions

别等时光非礼了梦想. 提交于 2020-06-12 06:01:06
问题 I have a dataframe and a number of conditions. Each condition is supposed to check whether the value in a certain column of the dataframe is within a set of valid values. This is what I tried: # create the sample dataframe age <- c(120, 45) sex <- c("x", "f") df <-data.frame(age, sex) # create the sample conditions conditions <- list( list("age", c(18:100)), list("sex", c("f", "m")) ) addIndicator <- function (df, columnName, validValues) { indicator <- vector() for (row in df[, toString


我们两清 提交于 2020-02-12 04:08:21
QSS是C++ Qt中的界面美化神器,其语法和CSS区别不大,但是QSS有一个独有的功能——subcontrol,这是CSS所没有的,一个widget往往由多个子部件构成,利用subcontrol可以对窗口部件的某些子部件做精细处理,从而使得界面美化达到定制最大化。 以下内容来源于上有很多不错的教程 Subcontrol 的绘制位置由 subcontrol-origin、subcontrol-position, top, left 来指定,就先从这几个属性开始入手。 Subcontrol-Origin subcontrol-origin 定义在 parent widget 中绘制 subcontrol 的参考矩形,默认在 padding 的矩形中绘制。 The origin rectangle of the subcontrol within the parent element. If this property is not specified, the default is padding. subcontrol-origin 有 4 个值可选: margin border padding content 下图展示了 subcontrol


帅比萌擦擦* 提交于 2020-01-20 21:05:05
名词 AG(Audio Gate)音频网关 —音频设备输入输出网关(一般手机、车载等) HF(Hands Free)免提 —该设备作为音频网关的远程音频输入/输出机制,并可提供若干遥控功能(耳机等c)。 协议栈 AG和HF需要支持的功能 1.HF control通信流程 1.1 Service Level Connection AG和HF均可以通过内部或者用户事件发起Service Level连接建立。Service Level Connection建立的前提是RFCOMM已经建立。同样RFCOMM的建立发起者可以是AG或者HF。 支持能力交换 首先HF发送AT+BRSF=< HF supported features >给AG,目的是首先通知AG其具有的功能,其次接收AG返回的其自身的BRSF功能。 Codec协商 如果HF支持Codec Negotiation特征,其会查看AG返回的BRSF中是否也支持该特性,如果都支持该特性,则HF将发送AT+BAC=< HF available codecs >命令给AG以告知其可用的codec。 AG Indicator HF从AG接收到的BRSF,可以知道AG支持的Indicator,并按顺序排好,这是因为根据3GPP 27.007规范,AG可以支持Hands-Free不支持的profile。HF使用AT+CIND=

Android Banner轮播控件

半世苍凉 提交于 2020-01-19 01:08:40
Android轮播控件 ViewPager无限轮播功能。可以自定义indicator,需自定义实现 Indicator 接口,内置了圆形的IndicatorView,支持三种动画切换。 无缝衔接 MagicIndicator 大神的Indicator,打造花样Indicator,集成使用请参考Sample。 支持一屏三页 支持魅族效果 支持自定义Indicator 支持自定义view 支持数据刷新 解决下拉刷新等滑动冲突问题,如嵌套SwipeRefreshLayout 解决多次重复回调onPageSelected问题 良好的代码封装,更多优化请参考代码实现。 项目地址 banner banner banner 效果图 描述 图片 基本使用的功能,请下载Sample体验 Indicator效果图 1 2 Indicator查看simple代码 描述 普通样式 两边缩放 魅族样式 一屏三页 使用步骤 Step 1.依赖banner Gradle dependencies{ implementation 'com.waitou:banner:3.0.4' //最新版本 } 或者引用本地lib compile project(':banner') Step 2.xml < android: id = " @+id/banner "

TableViewController doesn't flash scroll indicators even if the table is bigger that the view

自作多情 提交于 2020-01-12 13:47:54
问题 I've got a weird problem with a TableViewController. In the doc it says that a tableViewController deals also with the method -flashScrollIndicators when the table is "oversized" respect the visible area. My app consists in 3 nav controller loaded in a tab controller. Each nav controller has as root view controller a subclass of a table view controller. Each "model" is populated from a plist file, that loads its contents into an array in the -viewDIdLoad, later everything is passed to the