I am trying to dump a Postgresql database using the pg_dump tool.
$ pg_dump books > books.out
How ever i am getting this error.
pg_dump: server version: 9.2.1; pg_dump version: 9.1.6
pg_dump: aborting because of server version mismatch
The --ignore-version
option is now deprecated and really would not be a a solution to my issue even if it had worked.
How can I upgrade pg_dump to resolve this issue?
You can either install PostgreSQL 9.2.1 in the pg_dump
client machine or just copy the $PGHOME
from the PostgreSQL server machine to the client machine. Note that there is no need to initdb
a new cluster in the client machine.
After you have finished installing the 9.2.1 software, remember to edit some environment variables in your .bash_profile
I encountered this while using Heroku on Ubuntu, and here's how I fixed it:
Add the PostgreSQL apt repository as described at "Linux downloads (Ubuntu) ". (There are similar pages for other operating systems.)
Upgrade to the latest version (9.3 for me) with:
sudo apt-get install postgresql
Recreate the symbolic link in
with:sudo ln -s /usr/lib/postgresql/9.3/bin/pg_dump /usr/bin/pg_dump --force
The version number in the
path above should match theserver version
number in the error you received. So if your error says,pg_dump: server version: 9.9
, then link to/usr/lib/postgresql/9.9/...
Check the installed version(s) of pg_dump:
find / -name pg_dump -type f 2>/dev/null
My output was:
/usr/pgsql-9.3/bin/pg_dump /usr/bin/pg_dump
There are two versions installed. To update pg_dump with the newer version:
sudo ln -s /usr/pgsql-9.3/bin/pg_dump /usr/bin/pg_dump --force
This will create the symlink to the newer version.
Macs have a builtin /usr/bin/pg_dump
command that is used as default.
With the postgresql install you get another binary at /Library/PostgreSQL/<version>/bin/pg_dump
You can just locate pg_dump
and use the full path in command
locate pg_dump
Now just use the path of the desired version in the command
/usr/lib/postgresql/9.6/bin/pg_dump books > books.out
If you're on Ubuntu, you might have an old version of postgresql-client
installed. Based on the versions in your error message, the solution would be the following:
sudo apt-get remove postgresql-client-9.1
sudo apt-get install postgresql-client-9.2
Every time you upgrade or re install a new version of PostgreSQL, a latest version of pg_dump
is installed.
There must be a PostgreSQL/bin
directory somewhere on your system, under the latest version of PostgreSQL that you've installed ( 9.2.1 is latest) and try running the
from in there.
For those running Postgres.app:
Add the following code to your
:export PATH=/Applications/Postgres.app/Contents/Versions/latest/bin:$PATH
Restart terminal.
For mac users put to the top of .profile file.
export PATH="/Applications/Postgres.app/Contents/MacOS/bin:$PATH"
then run
. ~/.profile
For Macs with Homebrew. I had this problem when fetching the db from Heroku. I've fixed it just running:
brew upgrade postgresql
As explained, this is because your postgresql is in old version -> update it For Mac via homebrew:
brew tap petere/postgresql
brew install <formula>
(eg: brew install petere/postgresql/postgresql-9.6
Remove old postgre:
brew unlink postgresql
brew link -f postgresql-9.6
If any error happen, don't forget to read and follow brew instruction in each step.
Check this out for more: https://github.com/petere/homebrew-postgresql
An alternative answer that I don't think anyone else has covered.
If you have multiple PG clusters installed (as I do), then you can view those using pg_lsclusters
You should be able to see the version and cluster from the list displayed.
From there, you can then do this:
pg_dump --cluster=9.6/main books > books.out
Obviously, replace the version and cluster name with the appropriate one for your circumstances from what is returned by pg_lsclusters
separating the version and cluster with a /. This targets the specific cluster you wish to run against.
The answer sounds silly but if you get the above error and wanna run the pg_dump for earlier version go to bin directory of postgres and type
./pg_dump servername > out.sql ./ ignores the root and looks for pg_dump in current directory
On Ubuntu you can simply add the most recent Apt repository and then run:
sudo apt-get install postgresql-client-11
** after install postgres version is match(9.2) Create a symbolic link or new shortcut
**- on '/usr/bin'
syntag is = sudo ln -s [path for use] [new shortcut name]
sudo ln -s /usr/lib/postgresql/9.2/bin/pg_dump new_pg_dump
-- how to call : new_pg_dump -h -U postgres database
If you have docker installed you can do something like:
$ docker run postgres:9.2 pg_dump books > books.out
That will download the Docker container with Postgres 9.2 in it, run pg_dump
inside of the container, and write the output.
Well, I had the same issue as I have two postgress versions installed.
Just use the proper pg_dump and you don't need to change anything, in your case:
$> /usr/lib/postgresql/9.2/bin/pg_dump books > books.out
I had same error and this is how I solved it in my case. This means your postgresql version is 9.2.1 but you have started postgresql service of 9.1.6.
If you run psql postgres
you will see:
psql (9.2.1, server 9.1.6)
What I did to solve this problem is:
brew services stop postgresql@9.1.6
brew services restart postgresql@9.2.1
Now run psql postgres
and you should have: psql (9.2.1)
You can also run brew services list
to see the status of your postgres.
If you're using Heroku's Postgres.app the pg_dump (along with all the other binaries) is in /Applications/Postgres.app/Contents/MacOS/bin/
so in that case it's
ln -s /Applications/Postgres.app/Contents/MacOS/bin/pg_dump /usr/local/bin/pg_dump
ln -s /Applications/Postgres.app/Contents/MacOS/bin/* /usr/local/bin/.
to just grab them all
Try that:
export PATH=/usr/local/bin:$PATH
If the database is installed on a different machine it has probably correct version of pg_dump installed. This means that you can execute pg_dump command remotely with SSH:
ssh username@dbserver pg_dump books > books.out
You can also use public key authentication for passwordless execution. Steps to achieve that:
- Generate (if not yet done) a pair of keys with ssh-keygen command.
- Copy the public key to the database server, usually ~/.ssh/authorized_keys.
- Test if the connection works with ssh command.
For macs, use find / -name pg_dump -type f 2>/dev/null
find the location of pg_dump
For me, I have following results:
If you don't want to use sudo ln -s new_pg_dump old_pg_dump --force
, just use:
to replace with pg_dump
in your terminal
For example:
Applications/Postgres.app/Contents/Versions/9.5/bin/pg_dump books > books.out
It works for me!
For me the issue was updating psql
wasn't resolving newer versions, even after update
. The following worked.
Start with the import of the GPG key for PostgreSQL packages.
sudo apt-get install wget ca-certificates
wget --quiet -O - https://www.postgresql.org/media/keys/ACCC4CF8.asc | sudo apt-key add -
Now add the repository to your system.
sudo sh -c 'echo "deb http://apt.postgresql.org/pub/repos/apt/ `lsb_release -cs`-pgdg main" >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/pgdg.list'
Install PostgreSQL on Ubuntu
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install postgresql postgresql-contrib
I experienced a similar problem on my Fedora 17 installation. This is what I did to get around the issue
- Delete the builtin
(as root: "rm /usr/bin/pg_dump") Now make a symbolic link of the postgresql installation
Again as root
ln -s /usr/pgsql-9.2/bin/pg_dump /usr/bin/pg_dump
That should do the trick