I have a few servers that have a bunch of databases in them. Some of the databases have a view called vw_mydata.
What I want to do is create a list of all databases containing a view named vw_mydata and then execute that view and store it's contents in a table that then contains al the data from all the vw_mydata.
I know I can find all the databases containing that view using
sp_msforeachdb 'select "?" AS dbName from [?].sys.views where name like ''vw_mydata'''
But then I have as many recordsets as I have databases. How do I use that to loop through the databases?
What I would preferis a single neat list of the databasenames that I then can store in a resultset. Then it would be pretty straightforward.
I have thought about running above TSQL and storing the results in a table but I would like to keep it all in one SSIS package and not having all kind of tables/procedures lying around. Can I use a #table in a Execute SQL Task in SSIS?
SET @Tsql = ''
SELECT @Tsql = @Tsql + 'SELECT ''' + d.name + ''' AS dbName FROM [' + d.name + '].sys.views WHERE name LIKE ''vw_mydata'' UNION '
FROM master.sys.databases d
--"trim" the last UNION from the end of the tsql.
SET @Tsql = LEFT(@Tsql, LEN(@Tsql) - 6)
--Uncomment when ready to proceed
--EXEC (@Tsql)
To use a temp table in SSIS, you'll need to use a global temp table (##TABLE
On the properties for the connection, I'm pretty sure you'll need to set RetainSameConnection
On the SQL task after you create the temp table, you'll need to set DelayValidation