How to combine results from one column and then split into 2 columns

流过昼夜 提交于 2019-12-24 08:15:20


I've encountered some difficulty about combining and then splitting a column

Table: persona

Name                    date        time                InOut
MANCA GIOVANNI          2019-12-06  10:50:00.0000000    I
MANCA GIOVANNI          2019-12-06  12:55:00.0000000    O
HAMPIT RICKY            2019-12-06  12:55:00.0000000    O
HAMPIT RICKY            2019-12-06  10:50:00.0000000    I
RODRIGUEZ CARLOS DANIEL 2019-12-06  10:50:00.0000000    I
RODRIGUEZ CARLOS DANIEL 2019-12-06  12:55:00.0000000    O

Based on that table I would like output like below

Name                    date        InTime              OutTime
MANCA GIOVANNI          2019-12-06  10:50:00.0000000    12:55:00.0000000
HAMPIT RICKY            2019-12-06  10:50:00.0000000    12:55:00.0000000
RODRIGUEZ CARLOS DANIEL 2019-12-06  10:50:00.0000000    12:55:00.0000000

This is the code I tried

SELECT Name, date, time as InTime, time as OutTime
FROM persona 
WHERE InOut = 'I' and InOut = 'O' 

Thank you


Do a GROUP BY. Use case expressions to separate In from Out.

SELECT Name, date,
       max(case when InOut = 'I' then time end) as Intime,
       max(case when InOut = 'O' then time end) as Outime
FROM persona 
group by Name, date

(Will perhaps need some tweaking if a person has several in's or out's the same date.)


Well, if you have multiple Intime and Outtime for same person on same day, you can track first Intime and last Outtime by modifying query provided by 'jarlh'

SELECT Name, date,
       min(case when InOut = 'I' then time end) as Intime,
       max(case when InOut = 'O' then time end) as Outime
FROM persona 
group by Name, date

