Linkify Phone-numbers using Regex

两盒软妹~` 提交于 2019-12-24 07:46:47


I am trying to linkify phonenumbers using regular expressions, but i cant manage to apply it on my setText();

I've googled alot and it feels like im really close to success.

The code i got :

if(tag.equals("Customer")) {     
                     String name = xpp.getAttributeValue(null, separated_nodes[0].trim());
                     String number = xpp.getAttributeValue(null, separated_nodes[1].trim());
                     String SSNumber = xpp.getAttributeValue(null, separated_nodes[2].trim());
                     String Address = xpp.getAttributeValue(null, separated_nodes[3].trim());
                     String Postcode = xpp.getAttributeValue(null, separated_nodes[4].trim());
                     String City = xpp.getAttributeValue(null, separated_nodes[5].trim());
                     String Phone = "Phone#: " + xpp.getAttributeValue(null, separated_nodes[6].trim());
                     String Cell = xpp.getAttributeValue(null, separated_nodes[7].trim());
                     String Email = xpp.getAttributeValue(null, separated_nodes[8].trim());
                    // text.setText("Network "+xpp.getAttributeValue(null, "Name"));
                     Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("[0]{1}[0-9]{6,15}");
                     Linkify.addLinks(text, pattern, "Phone#: ");
                     //Linkify.addLinks(text, pattern, xmlstring);
                     //Linkify.addLinks(text, pattern, Phone);

                            text.setText("Customer: \nName: " + name +"\n" +
                                    "Customer Number: "+ number + "\n" +
                                    "Social Security Number: "+ SSNumber +"\n" +
                                    "Address: "+ Address +"\n" +
                                    "Postal Code: "+ Postcode +"\n" +
                                    "City: "+ City +"\n" +
                                    ""+ Phone +"\n" +
                                    "Cellphone#: "+ Cell +"\n" +
                                    "e-mail: "+ Email +"\n");

                            Linkify.addLinks(text, Linkify.EMAIL_ADDRESSES) ;


As you see, ive tried multiple ways to linkify Phone and Cellphone-number.

I think the RegEx is correct.


  1. you need to call Linkify.addLinks() AFTER you have set up your text view, you're doing it before
  2. Doesn't Linkify already support phone numbers, e.g. Linkify.addLinks(text, Linkify.EMAIL_ADDRESSES | Linkify.PHONE_NUMBERS)?


Also, in here: Linkify.addLinks(text, pattern, "Phone#: "); the third argument is supposed to be the Scheme, "Phone#:" is NOT a valid scheme. It should be tel:.


Unfortunately, the call to

Linkify.addLinks(text, Linkify.EMAIL_ADDRESSES)

on the last line is wiping out the Spannables that previous calls to Linkify.addLinks() created. See the Linkify Documentation

