This has been a major headache for the last couple of weeks. I have a largish table (165 columns x 11000+ rows). In this table, there are several comment columns that are set to varchar(max)
. There is one in particular that keeps getting invalid characters pasted into it by various users. This causes the reports in SSRS to fail. I then have to go and find these invalid characters and remove them. This has been a very painstaking time-consuming task.
What I would like to do is find a way to search automatically for these invalid characters and replace them with nothing. The problem is that I have no idea how to go about a search directly for these characters. Here is what they look like:
and here's another image of the same:
And here is what it looks like when I paste it into Notepad++:
I am not sure if it'll work and show up the way I see it, but here are the characters:
㹊潮Ņࢹᖈư㹨ƶ槹鎤⻄ƺ綐ڌ⸀ƺ삸)䀤ƍ샄)Ņᛡ鎤ꗘᖃᒨ쬵Ğᘍ鎤ᐜᏰ>֔υ赸Ƹ쳰డ촜)鉀촜)쮜)Ἡ屰山舰霡ࣆ 耏Аం畠Ư놐ᓜતᏛ֔Ꮫ֨Ꮫᓜƒ 邰厰ఆ邰드)抉鎤듄)繟Ĺ띨)ࢹ䮸ࣉࢹ䮸ࣉ샰)ԌƏŅᕄ홑Ņᛙ鎤ꗘᖃᒨࢹ
They look like they are Chinese or something similar, but I've tried using Google Translate and it detects them as English.
Any help in figuring out a way to search for these? Create a Function or an SP would be fine as long as it works!
I've tried part of a solution I found here: How can I find Unicode/non-ASCII characters in an NTEXT field in a SQL Server 2005 table? and used this:
-- Start with tab, line feed, carriage return
declare @str varchar(1024)
set @str = '|' + char(9) + '|' + char(10) + '|' + char(13)
-- Add all normal ASCII characters (32 -> 127)
declare @i int
set @i = 32
while @i <= 127
-- Uses | to escape, could be any character
set @str = @str + '|' + char(@i)
set @i = @i + 1
select MEETING_NOTES from pmdb.TrackerData
where MEETING_NOTES like '%[^' + @str + ']%' escape '|'
But it is returning a lot more rows than it should be. I currently only have 1 row that has these invalid characters and it is returning 1708.
I have created a Function
to try and remove all the invalid characters like this:
ALTER FUNCTION [dbo].[RemoveNonPrintable]
@inputtext nvarchar(max)
RETURNS nvarchar(max)
DECLARE @counter int = 1;
DECLARE @colString nvarchar(1000)
set @inputtext = REPLACE(@inputtext, char(0), '') -- 'NULL'
set @inputtext = REPLACE(@inputtext, char(1), '') -- 'Start of Heading'
set @inputtext = REPLACE(@inputtext, char(2), '') -- 'Start of Text'
set @inputtext = REPLACE(@inputtext, char(3), '') -- 'End of Text'
set @inputtext = REPLACE(@inputtext, char(4), '') -- 'End of Transmission'
set @inputtext = REPLACE(@inputtext, char(5), '') -- 'Enquiry'
set @inputtext = REPLACE(@inputtext, char(6), '') -- 'Acknowledgement'
set @inputtext = REPLACE(@inputtext, char(7), '') -- 'Bell'
set @inputtext = REPLACE(@inputtext, char(8), '') -- 'Backspace'
set @inputtext = REPLACE(@inputtext, char(9), '') -- 'Horizontal Tab'
-- replace line feed with blank, so words that were in different lines before are still separated
set @inputtext = REPLACE(@inputtext, char(10), ' ') -- 'Line Feed'
set @inputtext = REPLACE(@inputtext, char(11), '') -- 'Vertical Tab'
set @inputtext = REPLACE(@inputtext, char(12), '') -- 'Form Feed'
-- replace carriage return with blank, so words that were in different lines before are still separated
set @inputtext = REPLACE(@inputtext, char(13), ' ') -- 'Carriage Return'
set @inputtext = REPLACE(@inputtext, char(14), '') -- 'Shift Out'
set @inputtext = REPLACE(@inputtext, char(15), '') -- 'Shift In'
set @inputtext = REPLACE(@inputtext, char(16), '') -- 'Data Link Escape'
set @inputtext = REPLACE(@inputtext, char(17), '') -- 'Device Control 1'
set @inputtext = REPLACE(@inputtext, char(18), '') -- 'Device Control 2'
set @inputtext = REPLACE(@inputtext, char(19), '') -- 'Device Control 3'
set @inputtext = REPLACE(@inputtext, char(20), '') -- 'Device Control 4'
set @inputtext = REPLACE(@inputtext, char(21), '') -- 'Negative Acknowledgment'
set @inputtext = REPLACE(@inputtext, char(22), '') -- 'Synchronous Idle'
set @inputtext = REPLACE(@inputtext, char(23), '') -- 'End of Transmission Block'
set @inputtext = REPLACE(@inputtext, char(24), '') -- 'Cancel'
set @inputtext = REPLACE(@inputtext, char(25), '') -- 'End of Medium'
set @inputtext = REPLACE(@inputtext, char(26), '') -- 'Substitute'
set @inputtext = REPLACE(@inputtext, char(27), '') -- 'Escape'
set @inputtext = REPLACE(@inputtext, char(28), '') -- 'File Separator'
set @inputtext = REPLACE(@inputtext, char(29), '') -- 'Group Separator'
set @inputtext = REPLACE(@inputtext, char(30), '') -- 'Record Separator'
set @inputtext = REPLACE(@inputtext, char(31), '') -- 'Unit Separator'
set @inputtext = REPLACE(@inputtext, char(127), '') -- 'Delete'
set @colString = @inputtext
WHILE @counter <= DATALENGTH(@colString)
set @colString = REPLACE(@colString,isnull(NCHAR(UNICODE(SUBSTRING(@colString, @counter, 1))),'|'),'|')
set @colString = REPLACE(@colString,'|','')
SET @counter = @counter + 1
return @inputtext
I call it like this:
update pmdb.TrackerData
set CIRCUIT_COMMENTS = [dbo].[RemoveNonPrintable](CIRCUIT_COMMENTS),
COE_COMMENTS = [dbo].[RemoveNonPrintable](COE_COMMENTS),
MEETING_NOTES = [dbo].[RemoveNonPrintable](MEETING_NOTES),
OSP_COMMENTS = [dbo].[RemoveNonPrintable](OSP_COMMENTS),
COE_COMMENTS2 = [dbo].[RemoveNonPrintable](COE_COMMENTS2)
Then I run the code from the previous update to see if there is any difference. There is no difference. What gives? Am I doing this wrong?
I've updated my function to have this:
set @colString = @inputtext
WHILE @counter <= DATALENGTH(@colString)
--set @colString = REPLACE(@colString,isnull(NCHAR(UNICODE(SUBSTRING(@colString, @counter, 1))),'|'),'|')
--set @colString = REPLACE(@colString,'|','')
if (UNICODE(SUBSTRING(@colString, @counter,1)) > 126)
SET @colString = REPLACE(@colString, CONVERT(nvarchar(1),(SUBSTRING(@colString, @counter,1))), CHAR(32))
ELSE IF(UNICODE(SUBSTRING(@colString, @counter, 1)) < 32)
SET @colString = REPLACE(@colString, CONVERT(nvarchar(1),(SUBSTRING(@colString, @counter,1))), CHAR(32))
set @inputtext = @colString
SET @counter = @counter + 1
It removes most of the invalid characters, but then it leaves others. I call it on a temp table that I created that holds the sample of invalid characters shown above like this:
update #Temp
set Notes = [dbo].[RemoveNonPrintable](Notes),
Notes2 = [dbo].[RemoveNonPrintable](Notes2)
Then I'm left with the following in the two Notes:
Notes: ????N???u?z?????????)???)?N??????G????>???????)???)?)???????? ????U?????????? ???????)???)?L?)?????????)?????N???N???????
Notes2: ࢹᖈ 㹨 ⻄ ⸀ )䀤 ) ᛡ ꗘᖃᒨ ᘍ ᐜᏰ>֔ ) ) )Ἡ ࣆ ᓜ Ꮫ֔Ꮫ֨Ꮫᓜ ) ) )ࢹ䮸ࣉࢹ䮸ࣉ )Ԍ ᕄ ᛙ ꗘᖃᒨࢹ
Which is better than what I started with, but still not good enough.
I have found a solution in another users question here
I modified it slightly though. What ends up working for me is this:
-- Parameters
@nstring nvarchar(max)
RETURNS varchar(max)
-- Variables
DECLARE @Result varchar(max) = '',@nchar nvarchar(1), @position int
-- T-SQL statements to compute the return value
set @position = 1
while @position <= LEN(@nstring)
set @nchar = SUBSTRING(@nstring, @position, 1)
if UNICODE(@nchar) between 32 and 127
set @Result = @Result + @nchar
set @position = @position + 1
set @Result = REPLACE(@Result,'))','')
set @Result = REPLACE(@Result,'?','')
-- Return the result
RETURN @Result