Recently, Wordpress added in the Trac that you can fetch posts by title using:
Instead of querying the database straight up. If I wanted to get post titled "my farm", how would I change the parameters so it is searching for a post (or a post type?):
$page_title='Joey in the forest';
'character' is a post type. But don't know how to work this. I assume the default return is the id, which would be $post->ID. Not sure what would be the equivalent if I use a post type.
Thanks for anyone's help on this
I wrote a function (linked in the bug report) which does exactly that:
* Retrieves a post/page/custom-type/taxonomy ID by its title.
* Returns only the first result. If you search for a post title
* that you have used more than once, restrict the type.
* Or don’t use this function. :)
* Simple usage:
* $page_start_id = id_by_title('Start');
* To get the ID of a taxonomy (category, tag, custom) set $tax
* to the name of this taxonomy.
* Example:
* $cat_css_id = id_by_title('CSS', 0, 'category');
* The result is cached internally to save db queries.
* @param string $title
* @param string $type Restrict the post type.
* @param string|bool $tax Taxonomy to search for.
* @return int ID or -1 on failure
function id_by_title($title, $type = 'any', $tax = FALSE)
static $cache = array ();
$title = mysql_real_escape_string( trim($title, '"\'') );
// Unique index for the cache.
$index = "$title-$type-" . ( $tax ? $tax : 0 );
if ( isset ( $cache[$index] ) )
return $cache[$index];
if ( $tax )
$taxonomy = get_term_by('name', $title, $tax);
$cache[$index] = $taxonomy ? $taxonomy->term_id : -1;
return $cache[$index];
$type_sql = 'any' == $type
? ''
: "AND post_type = '"
. mysql_real_escape_string($type) . "'";
global $wpdb;
$query = "SELECT ID FROM $wpdb->posts
post_status = 'publish'
AND post_title = '$title'
$result = $wpdb->get_results($query);
$cache[$index] = empty ( $result ) ? -1 : (int) $result[0]->ID;
return $cache[$index];
Since I hit upon this page, others might as well.
also handles Posts and custom post types.
Please be aware that it gets the first post/page item in the database even if the post is trashed.
$post = get_page_by_title('sample-post','post');
echo $post->ID