I'm using the getclosest command to find a vertex.
ForceVertex1 = hatInstance.vertices.getClosest(coordinates=((x,y,z,))
This is a dictionary object with Key 0 and two values (hatInstance.vertices[1] and the coordinates of the vertex) The specific output:
{0: (mdb.models['EXP-100'].rootAssembly.instances['hatInstance-100'].vertices[1], (62.5242172081597, 101.192447407436, 325.0))}
Whenever I try to create a set, the vertex isn't accepted
I also tried a different way:
tolerance = 1.0e-3
vertex = []
for vertex in hatInstance.vertices:
x = vertex.pointOn[0][0]
print x
y = vertex.pointOn[0][1]
print y
z = vertex.pointOn[0][2]
print z
if (abs(x-xTarget)) < tolerance and abs(y-yTarget) < tolerance and abs(z-zTarget) < tolerance):
xTarget etc being my coordinates, despite this I still don't get a vertex object
For those struggeling with this, I solved it.
Don't use the getClosest command as it returns a dictionary object despite the manual recommending this. I couldn't convert this dictionary object, specifically a key and a value within to a standalone object (vertex)
Instead use Instance.vertices.getByBoundingSphere(center=,radius=) The center is basically a tuple of the coordinates and the radius is the tolerance. This returns an array of vertices
If you want the geometrical object you just have to access the dictionary. One way to do it is:
ForceVertex1 = hatInstance.vertices.getClosest(coordinates=((x,y,z,))[0][0]
This will return the vertices object only, which you can assign to a set or whatever.