NetLogo GIS extension : how to have right xcor and ycor from turtles

生来就可爱ヽ(ⅴ<●) 提交于 2019-12-24 04:52:13


strange, a question which I thought I had responded and actually no!

All my GIS datas are well load in netlogo ! The layers are well aligned but xcor and ycor of agents are false false in light of the real world coordinates (e.i. img).

During sensibility analyse I whant than agents write their coordinated in a text file because I doesn't whant to deal with hundreds of shapefiles, so need to have the true GIS xcor and ycor in my agents.

My code :

  set buildings gis:load-dataset "../data_gis/bati2_wgs84.shp"
  set water gis:load-dataset "../data_gis/water_wgs84.shp"
  set bounds gis:load-dataset "../data_gis/bounds.shp"
  set quartier-gis gis:load-dataset "../data_gis/zones.shp"
  set loisir-gis gis:load-dataset "../data_gis/loisir.shp"

  set guest_house gis:load-dataset "../data_gis/auberges_wgs_class.shp"
  set doors gis:load-dataset "../data_gis/portes_wgs84.shp"

  gis:set-world-envelope (gis:envelope-of bounds) ;; limite l'espace à l'enveloppe

  ;;Tracer les batiements
  gis:set-drawing-color black 
  gis:draw buildings 1

  ;;Tracer l'eau
  gis:set-drawing-color 129 ;violet 
  gis:draw quartier-gis 1 
  gis:apply-coverage quartier-gis "ZONE" my-quartier-p

  ;; pour chaque vecteur dans la base on charge les auberges
  foreach gis:feature-list-of guest_house [
    let location gis:location-of (first
      (first (gis:vertex-lists-of ?)))
    ;; on créée une turtle à chaque position d’un point et on lui copie ses attributs
    create-auberges 1 [
      set shape "circle"
      set xcor item 0 location
      set ycor item 1 location
;      set id gis:property-value ? "id"
      set nom gis:property-value ? "nom_auberg"
      set size 4
      set nb_chambres nb_chambres_init
      ;set standing random-normal 5 3
      set standing gis:property-value ? "standing"
      set class-standing gis:property-value ? "class"
      set color scale-color red standing 0 10

So I need a hand ! thank you all

