I Am using Alex Shybas Advanced DatabaseCrawler and it is working beautifully... almost... I Am using for a carsales application in which you can search for a car using the following values
Model Make Fuel Mileage Price Year (Registration date)
I have multiple NumericRange queryies:
- -1000 - 0 (this is for those dealers, that do not want the price online. They write the price as -1)
- bottom to top ie. (10000 - 20000) This is what i want to sort by
The are both in the same NumericRangeSearchParam() see code below. The problem is with the Sitecore.Search.QueryOccurance.Should as it makes lucene completely disregard the price limit. ie
I'll try to illustrate below with the prices returned
Bottom limit: 1000 Top limit: 2000
With Should -1, 500, 1000, 25000
With must Nothing (as expected)
Should i not be getting only -1 and 1000 with the should occurance?
I Hope one of you can help as this is driving me mad!
Code below:
public List<SkinnyItem> DoSearch(CarSearchParameters parameters, string sortby, bool reverse, string indexName)
Database db = Sitecore.Context.Database;
string id = db.GetItem(SitecoreHelper.GetBilSalgsItem().Paths.FullPath+"/"+ Helpers.URLEncoder.ToFriendlyUrl(parameters.Make) + (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(parameters.Model) ? "/" + Helpers.URLEncoder.ToFriendlyUrl(parameters.Model) : ""), LanguageManager.GetLanguage("da")).ID.ToString();
var param = new CombinedSearchParam()
FullTextQuery = "",
Language = "da",
LocationIds = id,
RelatedIds = "",
ShowAllVersions = false,
TemplateIds = ""
Item settings = Helpers.SitecoreHelper.GetSettings();
Sitecore.SharedSource.Search.Searcher searcher = new Sitecore.SharedSource.Search.Searcher(indexName);
var items = new List<SkinnyItem>();
//Tilføjer felter med værdier -Make -Model -Trim
var fields = new FieldValueSearchParam();
fields.Refinements.Add("Make", parameters.Make);
fields.Occurance = Sitecore.Search.QueryOccurance.Must;
if(parameters.Model != string.Empty)
fields.Refinements.Add("Model", parameters.Model);
if(parameters.Fuel != string.Empty)
fields.Refinements.Add("Fuel", parameters.Fuel);
//Tilføjer Numeriske ranges
var km = new NumericRangeSearchParam();
km.Ranges.Add(new NumericRangeSearchParam.NumericRangeField("KM", 0, parameters.MaxKM));
//Angivet som must fordi at den skal være mellem disse værdier
km.Occurance = Sitecore.Search.QueryOccurance.Must;
//Tilføjer 2 Ranges da bilen enten skal være mellem det valge range eller mindre end 0
var price = new NumericRangeSearchParam();
price.Ranges.Add(new NumericRangeSearchParam.NumericRangeField("Price", -1000, 0));
price.Ranges.Add(new NumericRangeSearchParam.NumericRangeField("Price", parameters.StartPrice, parameters.EndPrice));
//Should da den bare skal være en af dem (Svarer til ||, OR)
price.Occurance = Sitecore.Search.QueryOccurance.Should;
//Tilføjer datointervallet
var dates = new DateRangeSearchParam();
dates.Ranges.Add(new DateRangeSearchParam.DateRangeField("ModelDate", new DateTime(parameters.StartYear, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0), new DateTime(parameters.EndYear,12, 31, 23, 59, 59)));
dates.Occurance = Sitecore.Search.QueryOccurance.Must;
//Checker om der er angivet sortering
if (sortby != null)
items.AddRange(searcher.GetItems(param, new Sort(new SortField(sortby, reverse))));
return items;
I suspect it might have to do with the generated boolean logic. I'd drop a breakpoint in the searcher after it has composed its internal lucene query and take a look at the generated query value. Then look at the balancing of the parenthesis to make sure there's not a Must in the wrong place.
You can also use Luke to execute the same queries against the raw index.
It seems there is a bug in the way that Sitecore implements Lucene, which is why my query is behaving this way.