I'm ran into a problem using dump/restore to move a MongoDB database from my local machine to the MongoHQ.com. When I restore the dump to MongoHQ it is missing about 10% of the documents with no apparent errors.
To troubleshoot I though I would use export/import locally to validate the data and I am getting a error on import, the export did not report any errors. I used json format for the export. Here is one of the import errors;
exception:BSON representation of supplied JSON is too large: code FailedToParse: FailedToParse: Date milliseconds overflow: offset:10357
It reports errors on 726 documents out of about 130k. Based on the error I think it is having problems with a date field but I cant figure out how to find the problem documents. I tried doing a repair with no luck.
Anyone have an idea to try to find what's wrong?
Here I am answering my own question again, hopefully it helps someone else.
The problem occurs on any document with dates before Jan 1 1970, the Unix epoch. I am assuming that dump/restore handles it okay but not export/import because dump/restore is using BSON and import/export uses JSON or CSV. This is an unresolved bug report for MongoDB https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-961.
As a footnote, I initially loaded my MongoDB using Mongoid from Ruby which was apparently able to handle those pre 1970 dates.