I'm using the ekko lightbox along with bootstrap modal to create a gallery. However I cant seem to get the image navigation controls to appear/work like they do on this example: http://ashleydw.github.io/lightbox/#image-gallery
As you can see when you hover over an image you get navigation control arrows. I've tried adding the data attribute data-gallery="multiimages" to my images but this hasnt helped.
You can see my development code here: http://agtdesigns.co.uk/bootstrap-gallery/
Any help appreciated,
I had the same problem, see https://github.com/ashleydw/lightbox/issues/33 for the answer.
In summary, you need to add a wrapping div, eg
<div class="gallery">
Then as JS code
$(document).delegate('*[data-toggle="lightbox"]', 'click', function(event) {
return $(this).ekkoLightbox({
always_show_close: true,
gallery_parent_selector: '.gallery',