
Generate Random QR Code OnClick Using qrcode.js

做~自己de王妃 提交于 2021-02-19 06:20:22
问题 I am using qrcode.js for generating qrcode. I want to generate random QR code every time I click into add new tab instead of add new qr code. I created a code for a random number but when I try to add onclick function it add new not to random it. JSFIDDLE: GITHUB: CODEPEN: $('#lithird').click(function() { var qrcode = new QRCode("qrcode"); function makeCode(

Bootstrap responsive table with form input min width

喜你入骨 提交于 2021-02-17 14:50:14
问题 I am trying to create a responsive table that contains form inputs for several columns. From what I understand, the responsive tables shrink until its columns can't go any further, then it adds a scroller. However, the columns shrink to the point where I can't see the values in the input field so I need a way to impose a minimum width on these columns instead of having it determined by the column header text length. I have tried adding min-width:"10%" or "150px" to all the elements in the

Select 2 with bootstrap popover

天大地大妈咪最大 提交于 2021-02-11 15:20:54
问题 I try to set a bootstrap 3.5 popover on select2 4.0.1, but it seems it does not working: <input id="sampleInput" type="text" rel="popover" data-content="This is the body of Popover" data-original-title="Creativity Tuts" data-placement="auto" data-trigger="hover" /> <p/> <select id="selectb" data-content="This is the body of Popover" data-original-title="Creativity Tuts" data-placement="auto" data-trigger="hover" data-container="body"> <option>Please select ...</option> <option value="1"

Can you have multiple bootstrap versions on the same page?

人盡茶涼 提交于 2021-02-11 12:14:34
问题 I'd like embed bootstrap on a page that has an old version of bootstrap (version 3 and version 4 of bootstrap, however, there are js conflicts. I'm embedding it in a 3rd party site I have no control over. Is there a bootstrap noConflicts mode like jQuery ( 回答1: bootstrap does have noConflict - less can be used to namespace the css, however, I needed to manually namespace the classes/id in bootstraps js...

Cut away sides of image on small screens

爱⌒轻易说出口 提交于 2021-02-10 19:52:49
问题 I'm using Bootstrap and I have a banner (1920*250px) across the top of my page. The banner is responsive (using .img-responsive ). On small screens (sm and xs) though I want to cut away the sides so that the banner has a new base width of 1140px ( I want to keep the base height at 250px I want the image behave like it is 1140*250px and still be responsive), but I have no idea how to do that. I'd be grateful for any help. Edit: Here is a better explanation of what I want: I have a banner that

laravel adminlte css path not working

十年热恋 提交于 2021-02-10 12:56:49
问题 i am beginner in laravel , im doing my project. but admin lte css path not working.. i had tried many time. but no lock.. enter image description here i create a folder css on project root folder. i put all css and js file in it. enter image description here <link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ URL::asset('/css/dist/AdminLTE.min.css') }}"> <!-- iCheck --> <link rel="stylesheet" href="plugins/iCheck/square/blue.css"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ URL::asset('css/plugins/iCheck/square/blue.css') }

Align textbox to right of radiobuttonlist listitem

家住魔仙堡 提交于 2021-02-10 06:43:31
问题 I'm trying to do a slight upgrade of a .NET WebForms page to Bootstrap 3. I need to maintain a feature that worked fine without Bootstrap. I need a small textbox to the right of a radio button label. Like, when selecting "Other" you need to free form text what other means. In the sample above, I just need the textbox to move up and not be as wide as the entire form. Here is my current code: <div class="form-group"> <asp:Label ID="Ethnicity_Label" runat="server" Text="Ethnicity" CssClass="col

How can I click on a table cell and display a modal with notes

断了今生、忘了曾经 提交于 2021-02-10 05:56:25
问题 I am fairly to programmming, and have been blocked on an issue for a few days now. I have a table with 2 columns, Record# and notes for each record. The "notes" are usually very long so I was planning on having a link on each cell on the "notes" column with a link to a modal where the notes where displayed. Problem I am facing is that all the links will show the notes for the first item of the table... Here is my code (the td "Notes" is just there for verification purposes): <table> <tbody>

Get the element whose click opened a Bootstrap Modal dialog

丶灬走出姿态 提交于 2021-02-08 12:59:15
问题 How do I know which button triggered the opening of a Bootstrap Modal Dialog? <a href="#" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#myModal"> Button 1 </a> <a href="#" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#myModal"> Button 2 </a> Javascript $('#myModal').on('', function () { var triggerElement = ??? }) 回答1: Its documented here $('#myModal').on('', function (event) { var triggerElement = $(event.relatedTarget); // Button that triggered the modal }); Edit: As noted in comments,

Customizing max-width value for Bootstrap .container

早过忘川 提交于 2021-02-08 06:24:27
问题 I am new to Bootstrap and maybe "asking the wrong question" but here it goes: it seems that by default Bootstrap limits max-width for .container to 1170px: @media (min-width: 1200px) { .container { max-width: 1170px; } } In my ASP.Net MVC web application there is a table where 1170px is just not enough and application is targeted for desktops with 1920x1080 monitors. So I would like to utilize more of available space. In ASP.Net MVC web application there is Site.css that is included after