For XML Path: How to keep Attribute and Value in the same node

戏子无情 提交于 2019-12-24 01:36:08


I have some problem when using FOR XML PATH. My situation is:

I have run the script as below, the attribute CCY and value of AMOUNT is merged to the same node:

Script 1:

SELECT 'USD' AS 'Amount/@Ccy',
       123000 AS Amount,
       'Foo' AS Foo

Result 1: Only 1 AMOUNT node in root node

  <Amount Ccy="USD">123000</Amount>

Script 2: I change the order of Foo to the middle, and the result is wrong

SELECT 'USD' AS 'Amount/@Ccy',
       'Foo' AS Foo,
       123000 AS Amount

Result 2: There are 2 nodes AMOUNT in the root node

  <Amount Ccy="USD" />

So my question is: How to keep them in the same node without putting them together. Thanks


This is at it is meant to work...

The engine is travelling down the column list, opens an element, fills in nested elements, finds a new element (Oh! I have to close the last one!)... and so on.

An attribute must be stated before the containing element. The order matters!

Try it out:

--identical name: You might be surprised

SELECT 1 AS [SomeElement]
      ,2 AS [SomeElement]
FOR XML PATH('SomeTag'),ROOT('root');

--A different name in between

SELECT 1 AS [SomeElement]
      ,'in between' AS [SomeOther]
      ,2 AS [SomeElement]
FOR XML PATH('SomeTag'),ROOT('root');

--The different element is - well - not there (you can use NULL as well)

SELECT 1 AS [SomeElement]
      ,2 AS [SomeElement]
FOR XML PATH('SomeTag'),ROOT('root');

--What do you think what will come out here?

SELECT 'blah' AS [SomeElement/@TheAttribute]
      ,1 AS [SomeElement]
      ,2 AS [SomeElement]
FOR XML PATH('SomeTag'),ROOT('root');

--...and here?

SELECT 'blah' AS [SomeElement/@TheAttribute]
      ,1 AS [SomeElement]
      ,'blub' AS [SomeElement/@TheAttribute]
      ,2 AS [SomeElement]
FOR XML PATH('SomeTag'),ROOT('root');

--This is - finally - your example (in principles)

SELECT 1 AS [SomeElement]
      ,'in between' AS [SomeOther]
      ,'blub' AS [SomeElement/@TheAttribute]
FOR XML PATH('SomeTag'),ROOT('root');

--And - just for fun! - try this too

SELECT 1 AS [SomeElement]
      ,'blub' AS [SomeElement/@TheAttribute]
FOR XML PATH('SomeTag'),ROOT('root');


Use following, Select sequence does matter.

SELECT 'USD' AS 'Amount/@Ccy',123000 AS Amount,
   'Foo' AS Foo FOR XML PATH('root'), TYPE;

Refer working example

