Change voyager model

非 Y 不嫁゛ 提交于 2019-12-24 01:23:51


I want to add some mutators on Voyager's User class, but I won't change anything inside vendor folder, and Voyages uses a User model inside the package. Is it possible for me to, somehow, change this?


Simple enough. Modify the default Laravel User model to


namespace App\Models;

use TCG\Voyager\Models\User as VoyagerUser;

class User extends VoyagerUser {
    // add custom mutators and other code in here

Then you can update app/config/voyager.php as @aimme said and have it as

'user' => [
    'add_default_role_on_register' => true,
    'default_role'                 => 'user',
    'admin_permission'             => 'browse_admin',
    'namespace'                    => App\User::class,

This way you bring in the power of Voyager's User model to your own with no hackery involved.


For most cases extending the vendor packages works fine.

Update voyager configuration

See config/voyager.php

change user array like this. i have changed only namespace here,from voyager user tp App\User.

'user' => [
    'add_default_role_on_register' => true,
    'default_role'                 => 'user',
    'admin_permission'             => 'browse_admin',
    'namespace'                    => App\User::class,

but to bring additional changes you could try following way.

Loading whole voyager package as a local package.

Warning: After doing this the package would no longer be a vendor package.

To do that

1 - create a packages folder on the root of the project.

2 - clone the tcg/voyager repo into the packages folder or cut paste vendor tcg folder into packages folder that you created. so you will be having your directories like this yourproject/packages/tcg/voyager . if you have required tcg/voyager in composer.json remove it from there.

3 - update composer.json file on the root of your project. add TCG\\Voyager autoload. see below sample, added the line inside psr-4.

"autoload": {
        "classmap": [
        "psr-4": {
            "App\\": "app/",
            "TCG\\Voyager\\": "packages/tcg/voyager/src/"

4 - run composer update

sometimes you might have to do composer dump-autoload after bringing changes to the packages.

