I currently have a SOAP web service and I am trying to access it's endpoint but I keep getting this error:
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
No such operation: (HTTP GET PATH_INFO: /camel-example-reportincident/webservices/incident)
package org.apache.camel.example.reportincident;
import junit.framework.TestCase;
import org.apache.camel.CamelContext;
import org.apache.camel.impl.DefaultCamelContext;
import org.apache.cxf.jaxws.JaxWsProxyFactoryBean;
import org.jvnet.mock_javamail.Mailbox;
* Unit test of our routes
public class ReportIncidentRoutesTest extends TestCase {
private CamelContext camel;
// should be the same address as we have in our route
private static String ADDRESS = "cxf://http://localhost:8080/camel-example-reportincident/webservices/incident"
+ "?serviceClass=org.apache.camel.example.reportincident.ReportIncidentEndpoint"
+ "&wsdlURL=report_incident.wsdl";
protected void startCamel() throws Exception {
camel = new DefaultCamelContext();
camel.addRoutes(new ReportIncidentRoutes());
protected static ReportIncidentEndpoint createCXFClient() {
// we use CXF to create a client for us as its easier than JAXWS and works
JaxWsProxyFactoryBean factory = new JaxWsProxyFactoryBean();
return (ReportIncidentEndpoint) factory.create();
public void testRendportIncident() throws Exception {
// start camel
// assert mailbox is empty before starting
Mailbox inbox = Mailbox.get("incident@mycompany.com");
assertEquals("Should not have mails", 0, inbox.size());
// create input parameter
InputReportIncident input = new InputReportIncident();
input.setDetails("Bla bla");
input.setPhone("0045 2962 7576");
// create the webservice client and send the request
ReportIncidentEndpoint client = createCXFClient();
OutputReportIncident out = client.reportIncident(input);
// assert we got a OK back
assertEquals("0", out.getCode());
// let some time pass to allow Camel to pickup the file and send it as an email
// assert mail box
assertEquals("Should have got 1 mail", 1, inbox.size());
// stop camel
I am attempting to use CFX endpoint along with my camel routing and when I am putting the endpoint address in the route and then unit testing it I am getting a "No endpoint could be found for: //path/to/endpoint".
I am assuming that the fact that I am getting an error when I try to access the endpoint url is the issue but I do not even know where to begin on figuring out how to fix it.
When I hit my webservice on SOAP UI it runs fine as well. Any help would be greatly appreciated, and I can provide any info that is needed.
Typically, SOAP services are exposed over HTTP using the POST operation. You seem to be trying to access the service using the GET operation.
I am not sure how you try to invoke the service in your unit test, but you need to make sure it's a HTTP/POST call. If you are using plain HTTP, then you could set a header before invoking the HTTP component.
.setHeader(Exchange.HTTP_METHOD, constant("POST"))
Show your unit test for more detailed input.
@grep I see this post as bit old, but still will try to answer if anyone else with similar problem is able to. Well, I had the same isssue and wondered what were the reason s behind those. here are the two steps that i tried and fixed up the issue. make sure you are able to access the wsdl in browser.
- Close the SOAPUI, delete the soapui_workspace.xml created in user folder under C:/users.
- Restart the Soap_ui and open up preferences>Proxy setting.
- Change from automatic to None.
- Create new project. This did solved my issue and got the response from webservice in SOAPUI.