
spring-ws: no endpoint mapping found

浪尽此生 提交于 2021-02-18 20:48:42
问题 I made a simple web service but when I'am trying to test it on soapui its giving this error: WARN : [Oct-11 12:56:38,081] ws.server.EndpointNotFound - No endpoint mapping found for [SaajSoapMessage {http://www.servesy.com/api/v1/service}signupRequest] I do not have any idea what should I do to make it correct, I saw many questions regarding this problem but did not find any solution. My spring-ws configuration are follows: (apart from this configuration I also tried to make simple input

Google Cloud Data Fusion — building pipeline from REST API endpoint source

只谈情不闲聊 提交于 2021-02-11 06:12:23
问题 Attempting to build a pipeline to read from a 3rd party REST API endpoint data source. I am using the HTTP (version 1.2.0) plugin found in the Hub. The response request URL is: https://api.example.io/v2/somedata?return_count=false A sample of response body: { "paging": { "token": "12456789", "next": "https://api.example.io/v2/somedata?return_count=false&__paging_token=123456789" }, "data": [ { "cID": "aerrfaerrf", "first": true, "_id": "aerfaerrfaerrf", "action": "aerrfaerrf", "time": "1970

No adapter for endpoint

筅森魡賤 提交于 2021-02-08 08:41:37
问题 I have a Java class with the @Endpoint annotation. It was working fine until I try to add another parameter - MessageContext and I am getting the "No adapter for endpoint" See my method signature below: @PayloadRoot(localPart = "PolicyNewBusinessQuoteRequest", namespace = TARGET_NAMESPACE) @ResponsePayload public PolicyNewBusinessQuoteResponseDocument processQuoteRequest(@RequestPayload PolicyNewBusinessQuoteRequestDocument requestDocument, MessageContext messageContext) throws Exception { }

How should I format my POST data for testing an express API endpoint?

安稳与你 提交于 2021-01-29 18:20:43
问题 I am following: https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/getting-started-with-the-mern-stack. I would like to test an API endpoint built using express. I would like to test POST. The node server is running and I am using postman to check if the endpoint is working. I am unclear on how to format the post data and my POST requests result in errors when I send them. My API is below: const express = require ('express'); const router = express.Router(); const Todo = require('../models/todo

Defining multiple endpoints for multiple soap web services in spring boot application

≡放荡痞女 提交于 2021-01-29 17:40:07
问题 I have a servlet mapping issue in spring boot application with multiple soap web services. I have two (or more) WebServices with different mappings. Service A -> Endpoint1 Service B -> Endpoint2 Once I deploy spring boot application with two MessageDispatcherServlets , Service A and B both can be accessed with Endpoint1 only. I don't know how I can map Endpoint1 url to ServiceA and Endpoint2 to ServiceB. Please check sample of my code for Service-A. Code is similar for Service-B. @Bean(name =

How to deploy and access a Java WebSocket endpoint on Heroku without any additional frameworks

我怕爱的太早我们不能终老 提交于 2021-01-27 04:33:01
问题 I have followed this very basic tutorial for setting up a WebSocket endpoint in Java: http://www.oracle.com/webfolder/technetwork/tutorials/obe/java/HomeWebsocket/WebsocketHome.html Heroku, however, expects me to rely on Play Framework: https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/play-java-websockets My question is: how could I deploy the same without any additional frameworks and what procedure should I go through in order to make things work? 回答1: The problem you had was this: The tutorial you

How to deploy and access a Java WebSocket endpoint on Heroku without any additional frameworks

感情迁移 提交于 2021-01-27 04:32:11
问题 I have followed this very basic tutorial for setting up a WebSocket endpoint in Java: http://www.oracle.com/webfolder/technetwork/tutorials/obe/java/HomeWebsocket/WebsocketHome.html Heroku, however, expects me to rely on Play Framework: https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/play-java-websockets My question is: how could I deploy the same without any additional frameworks and what procedure should I go through in order to make things work? 回答1: The problem you had was this: The tutorial you

Issue with Listening at an Endpoint connecting to WCF from net.tcp protocol

血红的双手。 提交于 2020-12-06 03:02:45
问题 This weird Error was appearing from one day before posting this post. Previously it was working fine, but not now. At one movement restarting the system, the error disappears and able to access the application. and after again rebooting the system the error begins to appear without knowing the root cause. Enabled Protocols: net.tcp,http I could able to browse the below link http://localhost/TAServices/AuthenticationManager.svc http://username.domainname.com/TAServices/AuthenticationManager

Issue with Listening at an Endpoint connecting to WCF from net.tcp protocol

穿精又带淫゛_ 提交于 2020-12-06 03:02:27
问题 This weird Error was appearing from one day before posting this post. Previously it was working fine, but not now. At one movement restarting the system, the error disappears and able to access the application. and after again rebooting the system the error begins to appear without knowing the root cause. Enabled Protocols: net.tcp,http I could able to browse the below link http://localhost/TAServices/AuthenticationManager.svc http://username.domainname.com/TAServices/AuthenticationManager

Difference between route and endpoint?

不羁的心 提交于 2020-08-21 17:44:36
问题 Question: I have a probably rather simple question, but I'm unable to find an answer with nice explanations: What is the difference (if any) between a route and an endpoint in the context of a RESTful API developed within a Node.js / Express application (but these concepts may be broader?!...)? (Does it relate to URLs in some way?) Example: For example, in this article: https://medium.com/@purposenigeria/build-a-restful-api-with-node-js-and-express-js-d7e59c7a3dfb we can read: We imported