I am running a MATLAB project, which is shared by several users, some running Windows and some running Linux.
In some of the scripts, I need to access files which are in external directories, and which I do not want to add to the MATLAB path.
To accommodate both Linux and Windows, I need to be able to determine the type of OS I'm running, and to set the directory separator accordingly ('\' for Windows, '/' for Linux).
I tried
os = getenv('OS')
(which I saw in some official guide),but it returns an empty string.
I could check the first character of 'pwd', but that's pretty ugly, and I expect that there should be something simpler.
Thanks for any suggestions!
To use correct directory separator you don't need to write code to handle different operating systems. filesep
gives you the correct directory separator.
My1stDir = 'Year2012';
My2ndDir = 'Feb';
My3rdDir = 'Day03';
MyDir = [ 'mydata', filesep, My1stDir, filesep, My2ndDir, filesep, My3rdDir ];
In Linux you'll get:
MyDir =
In Windows you'll get:
MyDir =