we are trying to transfer data from DB2 -> SQL Server 2014 database. When using SSIS to transfer data between tables, the timestamp -> datetime2 is failing due to data type mismatch. Found couple of links related to that, but not sure if they have the source db2 Timestamp column data converted to string format before applying those conversions or data is coming in as Timestamp type and those conversions could still work?
please share how to handle this Timestamp -> Datetime2 mismatch in SSIS.
1) http://blog.appliedis.com/2012/09/24/best-practices-staging-mainframedb2-data-to-sql-server-2012-2/
2) https://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/sqlserver/en-US/33eabd7d-b4ff-49b0-b053-ecfc575414ab/db2-timestamp-to-sql-server-2005-conversion?forum=sqlintegrationservices
regards aravias