look for a specific filetype in a directory in php and send it to a different directory after conversion

末鹿安然 提交于 2019-12-23 19:17:06


I have a directory in which there is a mp4 file (including other files as well) which I want to convert into mp3 and then send it to different directory. I have used the following command line command to covert into mp3 and its working perfectly fine.

ffmpeg -i 36031P.mp4 -map 0:2 -ac 1 floor_english.mp3 

mp4 file is inside in_folder. Using ffmpeg, I want to convert mp4 file into mp3 and send it to out_folder.

$dir    = 'in_folder';
$files1 = scandir($dir);
print_r($files1);    /* It lists all the files in a directory including mp4 file*/

print_r($files1) lists all the file in a directory including mp4file.

Problem Statement:

I am wondering what php code I need to write so that it looks for only mp4 file inside the directory and send it to different directory (let say out_folder) after converting into mp3.

The pictorial representation of what I want:


In think it is what you want :

$dir    = 'in_folder';
$files1 = scandir($dir);
print_r($files1);    /* It lists all the files in a directory including mp4 file*/

$destination = 'your new destination';

foreach($files1 as $f)
  $parts = pathinfo($f);
  if ($parts['extension'] = 'mp3';
    // copy($f, $destination. DS . $parts['filename']. '.' . $parts['extension']);
    rename($f, $destination. DS . $parts['filename']. '.mp3');

Documentation pathinfo

Edit with convertion :

I think you can directly export your mp3 like this

foreach($files1 as $f)
  $parts = pathinfo($f);
  if ($parts['extension'] = 'mp4';
    // $result : the last line of the command output on success, and FALSE on failure. Optional.
    system('ffmpeg -i '.$f.' -map 0:2 -ac 1 '.$destination.DS. $parts['filename'].'.mp3', $result);

  // See: https://www.php.net/manual/en/function.system.php
  if ($result === false) {
    // Do something if failed
    // log for example
  } else {
    // command completed with code : $result
    // 0 by convention for exit with success EXIT_SUCCESS
    // 1 by convention for exit with error EXIT_ERROR
    // https://stackoverflow.com/questions/12199216/how-to-tell-if-ffmpeg-errored-or-not

Documentation system

or do a first loop too convert mp4, and a second loop to copy mp3

Edit all in one :

foreach($files1 as $f)
  $parts = pathinfo($f);

    case 'mp4' :
      // $result : the last line of the command output on success, and FALSE on failure. Optional.
      system('ffmpeg -i '.$f.' -map 0:2 -ac 1 '.$destination.DS. $parts['filename'].'.mp3', $result);

      // See: https://www.php.net/manual/en/function.system.php
      if ($result === false) {
        // Do something if failed
        // log for example
      } else {
        // command completed with code : $result
        // 0 by convention for exit with success EXIT_SUCCESS
        // 1 by convention for exit with error EXIT_ERROR
        // https://stackoverflow.com/questions/12199216/how-to-tell-if-ffmpeg-errored-or-not

    case 'mp3' :
      // copy($f, $destination. DS . $parts['filename']. '.' . $parts['extension']);
      rename($f, $destination.DS.$parts['filename'].'.mp3');

Edit 1 : correction strtolower($parts['extension']) to check the extension of the file none case-sensitive.

or like this :

strtolower(pathinfo("/path/file.mP4", PATHINFO_EXTENSION)) == ".mp4"

There is no need to use preg_match and regexp because pathinfo is a pre-made function to do the job and it works fine unless you use double named extension like .tar.gz for example.


Edit 2 : Use rename instead of copy to move mp3.


I feel this could all be a bit more robust and shorter.


// the folder to get MP4's from, recursively
$src_dir = 'folder/a';
// the destination to put MP3's in.
$dst_dir = 'folder/b';

// An iterator ('reader') that takes all files in src
$files = new RecursiveIteratorIterator(
    new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($src_dir)

// A filter, that only leaves entries ending with .mp4, case-insensitive.
$videos = new RegexIterator($files, '/^.+\.mp4$/i', RecursiveRegexIterator::MATCH));

// Then, for each element in videos, convert to MP3
foreach ($videos as $video) {
    $src = $video->getPathname();
    // The destination is the basename without 'mp4', with 'mp3' appended.
    $dst = $dst_dir.'/'.$video->getBaseName($video->getExtension()).'mp3';

    system("ffmpeg -i $src -map 0:2 -ac 1 $dst");

You should take care that you don't allow 'user specified' names for files, but use your own (random) filenames. Avoid executing unvalidated user input at all cost!


This will do it. I tested the solution and it works. I had to make one parameter change for the ffmpeg command. On my machine, it was throwing an error for the mapping. I added a question mark after the mapping to ignore the error.

The code assumes the following folder structure:



  $in_folder = sprintf("%s/mp4", __DIR__);
  $out_folder = sprintf("%s/mp3", __DIR__);



  $items = scandir($in_folder);
  foreach($items as $item){
    if(preg_match('/^.*\.mp4$/', $item)){
      $file_name = str_replace(".mp4", "", $item);
      $in_file = sprintf("%s/%s.mp4", $in_folder, $file_name);
      $out_file = sprintf("%s/%s.mp4", $out_folder, $file_name);
      $cmd = sprintf("ffmpeg -i %s -map 0:2? -ac 1 %s", $in_file, $out_file);
      print "$cmd\n";


