Get index with value in Checked List Box

∥☆過路亽.° 提交于 2019-12-23 17:51:32


I am actually finding that chkContactType.Items is empty when I step through the code. I even added a Watch to chkContactType.Items.Count and it is never anything but 0. I am severly confused now as it obviously isn't as my Insert method works fine which uses these same boxes and inserts the Value Member for each item....

I have some checked list box controls that I need to set the CheckState based on the item value as that is what is stored in the DB for an exsiting record. Unfortunately, I only see a way to set this by index which is not stored. The index is local to the control so, for example, control ContactType has 15 items in it. Index is 0-14. Item Value is 39,40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49,50,2077,2078,2079 respectively. How can I either get the index value with the Value Member value OR set the checkstate of each returned item with the Value Member value?


 private void PaintDetails(Guid cNoteID)
        var cNoteDetailDT = CurrentCaseNote.GetCNoteDetail(cNoteID);

        // Load Contact Type Data for this CaseNote
        // contactTypeDT returns ItemID of chk items 
        // that were checked for this Guid
        using (var contactTypeDT = CurrentCaseNote.GetCNoteContactType(cNoteID))
            if (contactTypeDT.Rows.Count > 0)
                foreach (DataRow row in contactTypeDT.Rows)

    private void LoadContactTypeData(DataRow row)
        // This does not work
        var theItem = row["ItemID"].ToString();
        // itemIndex always ends up set to -1
        var itemIndex = chkContactType.Items.IndexOf(theItem);
        chkContactType.SetItemChecked((int) itemIndex, true);

        // This works I just need to supply the correct index

EDIT in response to comment

This is how I populate the Checked ListBox. I know there is a "magic number" there. I am working on it. It relates to the CategoryID in the DB of ContactType.

 // Contact Type Check List Box
        chkContactType.DataSource = CurrentCaseNote.GetMaintItems(1);
        chkContactType.DisplayMember = "ItemDescription";
        chkContactType.ValueMember = "ItemID";

and then CurrentCaseNote BLL(kinda)-->

public static DataTable GetMaintItems(int iCat)
        IQueryable<tblCaseNotesMaintItem> tItems = CaseNoteDAL.GetCNTable();
        return (tItems.Where(item => item.CategoryID == iCat & item.IsActive).OrderBy(
                               item => item.OrderID).Select(item => new {item.ItemID, item.ItemDescription})).CopyLinqToDataTable();

and finally the DAL -->

        public static Table<tblCaseNotesMaintItem> GetCNTable()
        return dcCaseNotes.GetTable<tblCaseNotesMaintItem>();


This is what my code NOW looks like but still no go. It is like ItemCount is never populated....

            // Load Contact Type Data for this CaseNote
        using (var contactTypeDT = CurrentCaseNote.GetCNoteContactType(cNoteID))
            if (contactTypeDT.Rows.Count > 0)
                foreach (DataRow row in contactTypeDT.Rows)

    private void LoadContactTypeData(DataRow row)
        // This does not work
        var theItem = row["ItemID"];

        for (int i = 0; i < chkContactType.ItemCount; i++)
            if(theItem == chkContactType.GetItemValue(i))


This seems to work:

int index = checkedListBox1.Items.IndexOf("42");
checkedListBox1.SetItemChecked(index, true);


                For j As Integer = 0 To chklst_distributorlist.Items.Count - 1

                    If chklst_distributorlist.GetItemText(chklst_distributorlist.Items.Item(j)) = ds1.Tables(0).Rows(0)("suppliername").ToString Then

                        chklst_distributorlist.SetSelected(j, True)
                        chklst_distributorlist.SetItemCheckState(j, CheckState.Checked)
                    End If


I also faced the same issue.

The index of checkedListBox1.Items.IndexOf("value"); is always -1.

I managed to get the index using following code.

for (int i = 0; i < checkedListBox1.Items.Count; i++)   
   if (((System.Data.DataRowView)(checkedListBox1.Items[i])).Row.ItemArray[0].ToString() == "Value")    

   checkedListBox1.SetItemCheckState(i, CheckState.Checked);    

