I tried to run This example from bigflake and I think that there is a mismatch.
they write "ExtractMpegFramesTest.java (requires 4.1, API 16) " so the minimum API required is 16, but I look over the code and they use "import android.opengl.EGL14;" which required minimum API 17.
Has anyone encountered this problem and succeeded to solve it?(succeeded to save 10 frames on Android 4.1 device)
I've updated the site to have two copies of the source file, one that uses EGL 1.0 and one that uses EGL 1.4. I did a quick test with the SDK, creating an app for API 16, to confirm that it's no longer using post-4.1 APIs. I haven't tried it on an actual device running 4.1 however.
You can use MediaMetadataRetriever.getFrameAtTime in order to extract frames from a video file. It's available since API level 10.