I have strange issue with Qt QXmlStreamReader. I'am trying to parse simple document (note: it is generated using QXmlStreamWriter):
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
Using this code:
QFile file(filename);
if (file.open(QFile::ReadOnly | QFile::Text))
QXmlStreamReader xmlReader(&file);
while (xmlReader.readNextStartElement())
/* same issue when uncommented:
if (xmlReader.name() == "tex")
t->readXml(xmlReader);//parse texture
if (xmlReader.hasError())
emit reportError(xmlReader.errorString());
And it always reports error "Premature end of document". Why? When debbuging, it seems, to all elements are parsed or skipped correctly.
I verified the behavior of your code. Indeed, it seems that readNextStartElement() does not correctly check for end of document. It only checks for start/end element to return its value, so if reading past the end of document, its internal call to readNext raises "premature end".
For a quick fix try checking for end of document yourself using readNext(), eg.:
while (!xml.atEnd()) {
if (xml.readNext() != QXmlStreamReader::EndDocument) {
if (xml.isStartElement())
std::cout << qPrintable(xml.name().toString()) << std::endl;
if (xml.hasError())
std::cout << (xml.errorString().toUtf8().constData()) << std::endl;