How would I remove billing (or shipping) address in Spree checkout routine? I'm using spree 1.3
You can remove the shipping address by removing the delivery step from your checkout_flow
definition by putting this code inside your application at app/models/spree/order_decorator.rb
Spree::Order.class_eval do
checkout_flow do
go_to_state :address
go_to_state :payment, :if => lambda { |order| order.payment_required? }
go_to_state :confirm, :if => lambda { |order| order.confirmation_required? }
go_to_state :complete
remove_transition :from => :delivery, :to => :confirm
By not having the delivery step there, Spree won't ask for a delivery address or delivery information for an order.
I have an alternate for this, if you are using spree-core
In your view/spree/checkout/edit file, there is a render statement which involves error_messages.html.erb = render :partial => 'spree/shared/error_messages', :locals => { :target => @order }
So now, you have to remove "ship" name from _error_messages.html.erb, then It will not show this kind of error.
Make some following changes in your spree/shared/_error_message file:
-target.errors.full_messages.each do |msg|
-unless (msg.include?("Ship"))
= msg
Remember, make changes also in error count accordingly using loop here.
Currently I have no use of it, so made it comment
//= t(:errors_prohibited_this_record_from_being_saved, :count => target.errors.count)
I have also made comment on same question on github and stackoverflow- https://github.com/spree/spree/issues/2571#issuecomment-13769093