Is it possible to broadcast the android camera preview into 2 different SurfaceView controls at the same time? I have seen some apps that show effects into different previews in real-time, how do they achieve that? I read about the TextureView, is this the view to use? where can I find examples of multiple simultaneous camera previews?
I don't think that it is possible to independently open 2 camera previews at the same time, as the camera is treated as a shared resource. However, it will be possible to draw to multiple SurfaceViews which is what the apps you describe do.
Well, as they answered in this question, I downloaded the grafika project and revised the "texture from camera" example.
In the RenderThread is a Sprite2d atribute called mRect. I just make another instance called mRect2, and configuired it with the same parameters that mRect has, except the rotation, I put it to the double:
mRect.setRotation(rotAngle); mRect2.setRotation(rotAngle*2);
This is the result
There is still a lot of code to understand, but it works and seems a very promising path to continue by.