Lately I noticed that every now and then a new "Open a Terminal" icon appears on my Eclipse toolbar.
Right now it looks like this, almost taking all the width of the window:
Did anyone encounter such a strange behavior ?
FYI This is Eclipse Mars.1 (4.5.1) and I have a few plugins installed: SVN (with SVNKit and JavaHL), Serena Dimensions 12 interface, Activiti BPMN 2.0 Designer and Eclipse Color Theme
Thank you.
I found out how to hide specific toolbars (I don't know why a right click on the toolbars doesn't work like office apps...) :
Go to Window->Perspective->Customize Perspective...
On the "Tool Bar Visibility" tab uncheck "Terminal" option to hide it
So, this recently happened to me as well. Here is what i did to remove the extra terminal icons:
Make sure that eclipse is not opened since it will save its workbench state when shutting down
Open up your eclipse workbench.xmi file, it should be located in the .metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.e4.workbench folder inside your workspace
Search for XML objects that has "Open a Terminal" as a tooltip, you should find several. Each element will look like:
<children xsi:type="menu:HandledToolItem" xmi:id="_rF1Qc7hJEeilL5I7ZRh67w" elementId="org.eclipse.tm.terminal.view.ui.commands.launchToolbar" iconURI="platform:/plugin/org.eclipse.tm.terminal.view.ui/icons/eview16/console_view.png" tooltip="Open a Terminal" command="_rF3HG7hJEeilL5I7ZRh67w"> <persistedState key="IIdentifier" value="org.eclipse.tm.terminal.view.ui/org.eclipse.tm.terminal.view.ui.commands.launchToolbar"/> </children>
Remove all objects but one and save the file, you should now only have one terminal icon the next time you open eclipse.
Going to "Window -> Perspective -> Customize Prospective" and then unchecking "Terminal" in the "Tool Bar Visibility" tab did not do anything for me. The "Open a Terminal" icons did not go away. I also tried restarting Eclipse, and those terminal icons did not go away.
However, the following worked for me:
- Go to "Window -> Preferences"
- Expand "General", and click on "Capabilities"
- Under "Capabilities", uncheck "Terminal" and click "Apply" and "OK"
- Close Eclipse and start it up again (restart Eclipse)
- When Eclipse comes back, you should see the "Open a Terminal" icons gone (hopefully - it worked in my case)
- Go back to "Windows -> Preferences", "General -> Capabilities"
- Check "Terminal", and click "Apply" and "OK".
Hope this helps.