I cannot find a 2D game engine to create hexagon maps for .net. The best I can find is Xconq (http://sourceforge.net/projects/xconq/) and pygame. Does anybody where I can find any? preferrably one like xconq.
Thank you for your time and effort. I really apprecate it.
Edit: I would like to have feature of a strategic nature. Like adding custom AIs, path finding, etc. Xcong is an engine for turn-based strategy games.
Does this help? Hexagonal grid for games and other projects - Part 1 at http://www.codeproject.com/KB/graphics/hexagonal_part1.aspx
You should check out Mappy. I remember using it a while ago and it was pretty good. They have an XNA Playback library as well, so you can look at the .NET code for reading Mappy files