Check if the running code is unit test case or not

跟風遠走 提交于 2019-12-23 09:55:52


I want to check if the running code is unit tese case or not execute different code for the result such as:

    if ( unit test case is running )
do something
do other thing

any idea on this?


This is a bad approach you should try to simulate logic parts which you are trying to avoid by this statemetn through Mock ojects or other mechanism.

Now to your question you can use a oolean variable like isUnittest which you set on test setup and Teardown, ut as saied i dont recommend you doing this.


Another way is to let the class have customizable behavior controlled via a static method, and have test case call that method in its static load method.

I had a similar issue using storyboard and an external restful service for authentication via oauth. The app delegate would check if there is a valid oauth token in appdelegate:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions, and if not, then programatically trigger segue to do the oauth login. But this was not desirable in test cases. To solve this, I created a static method within the app delegate to disable the login screen. This is the code within my app delegate:

static Boolean showLoginScreen = TRUE ;

+ (void) disableLoginScreen
    showLoginScreen = FALSE ;
    NSLog(@"disabled login screen") ;

The test case had its load method to do the following:

// disable login screen for the test case
+ (void) load {
    NSLog( @"now disabling login screen" ) ;
   [XYZAppDelegate disableLoginScreen];

This worked because the test case class was loaded before application was initialized. Of course you must check the value of this flag within app delegate to trigger/not trigger the login segue. Other alternatives I tried but rejected were as follows:

  • Create a preprocessor define on the test target. But the compiler only compiles the test case files with this flag, not the application source. See

  • Use the static initialize method of the test case to call the disable method. On test case run, the application is started before the test case class is loaded. See for some details.


This seems to work for me (iOS 8, Xcode 6):

- (BOOL) isRunningTest {
    return NSClassFromString(@"XCTestCase") != nil;

I think this is cleaner and easier than other answers.


Don't message UIAlertView directly. Instead, use dependency injection, for example, a property like

@property (strong, nonatomic) Class alertViewClass;

Then your code to create an alert can do

UIAlertView *alert = [[_alertViewClass alloc] initWithTitle:…etc…];

In your test code, inject a different class. I use to specify JMRMockAlertView. I can then test the alert calls with JMRMockAlertViewVerifier. (In fact, this enables test-driven development of alerts.)

Edit: These days, I use

