Possible to create watch face for Apple Watch?

谁说我不能喝 提交于 2019-12-23 09:26:31


I've googled over the internet, still can't find an official answer. I can see I can make build glance scenes, but those are "hidden" one swipe away from the user beneath actual watch face.

Are developers allowed to publish watch faces?


No, it is not possible. In the Apple WatchKit forums, an Apple evangelist links to this thread for the FAQ on creating a custom watch face.


Here is the link to the "official" WatchKit FAQ https://devforums.apple.com/thread/254675?tstart=0

Technically, you could create an app that is a watch, but it wouldn't be a watch face.


I wanted to write my own watch face too - but for a hobby project, I don't think Apple allow time-centric apps for the Apple Watch on the App store at the moment. The App I've written works well as a watch face, but doesn't support complications/glances (which you'd get if it was an official watch face). I've blogged about how to write it here, with some code snippets in Swift: https://musingstudio.com/2016/08/04/how-to-write-a-watch-face-app-for-apple-watch/

