Why C++ template accepting array is not more specialized than one accepting pointer (bis)?

徘徊边缘 提交于 2019-12-23 08:03:05


In reference to this question, which has indeed the same title but for which I found an answer in the standard. I have continued to dig the subject and finaly find out an example code for which this answer does not apply.

Let's consider this piece of code:

template<class T> void func(T* buf);           //template I
template<size_t N> void func(char (&buf) [N]); //template II

void g(char (&buf)[3])
   func(buf) //Error: ambiguous function call (Clang, GCC, ICC, MSVC)

According to the partial ordering rules in [temp.func.order] and [temp.deduct.partial], template II shall be more specialized than template I if one interpreted this rules through the execution of this piece of code:

template <class T> void func1(T* buf) {}
template <std::size_t N> void func2(char (&buf)[N]) {}

struct invented_T{};
constexpr std::size_t invented_N=42;

void is_template_I_more_specialized(invented_T* buf)
  // => template I is not more specialized than func2

void is_template_II_more_specialized(char (&buf)[invented_N])
  // => template II is more specialized than func1

So according to this interpretation, template II should be more specialized. Why would it not be the case?


As n.m. pointed out in the comment, the reason is that type T* cannot be deduced from type char (&buf)[invented_N].

In is_template_II_more_specialized, an extra array-to-pointer conversion is applied according to [temp.deduct.call]/2.1:

If P is not a reference type:

  • If A is an array type, the pointer type produced by the array-to-pointer standard conversion is used in place of A for type deduction; otherwise,

  • ...

This rule only applies for deducing template arguments from a function call. For deducing template arguments during partial ordering, there is no such conversion applying.

Conversions that can be applied during partial ordering are described in [temp.deduct.partial]/5,6,7.

