I'm using the prompt library for Node.js and I have this code:
var fs = require('fs'),
prompt = require('prompt'),
toCreate = toCreate.toLowerCase(),
stats = fs.lstatSync('./' + toCreate);
var property = {
name: 'yesno',
message: 'Directory esistente vuoi continuare lo stesso? (y/n)',
validator: /y[es]*|n[o]?/,
warning: 'Must respond yes or no',
default: 'no'
prompt.get(property, function(err, result) {
if(result === 'no'){
console.log("creating ", toCreate);
console.log('\nAll done, exiting'.green.inverse);
If the prompt is show it seems that it doesn't block code execution but the execution continues and the last two messages by the console are shown while I still have to answer the question.
Is there a way to make it blocking?
Since IO in Node doesn't block, you're not going to find an easy way to make something like this synchronous. Instead, you should move the code into the callback:
prompt.get(property, function (err, result) {
if(result === 'no'){
console.log("creating ", toCreate);
console.log('\nAll done, exiting'.green.inverse);
or else extract it and call the extracted function:
prompt.get(property, function (err, result) {
if(result === 'no'){
} else {
function doCreate() {
console.log("creating ", toCreate);
console.log('\nAll done, exiting'.green.inverse);
With flatiron's prompt library, unfortunately, there is no way to have the code blocking. However, I might suggest my own sync-prompt library. Like the name implies, it allows you to synchronously prompt users for input.
With it, you'd simply issue a function call, and get back the user's command line input:
var prompt = require('sync-prompt').prompt;
var name = prompt('What is your name? ');
// User enters "Mike".
console.log('Hello, ' + name + '!');
// -> Hello, Mike!
var hidden = true;
var password = prompt('Password: ', hidden);
// User enters a password, but nothing will be written to the screen.
So give it a try, if you'd like.
Bear in mind: DO NOT use this on web applications. It should only be used on command line applications.
Since Node.js 8, you can do the following using async/await:
const readline = require('readline');
const rl = readline.createInterface({
input: process.stdin,
output: process.stdout
function readLineAsync(message) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
rl.question(message, (answer) => {
// Leverages Node.js' awesome async/await functionality
async function demoSynchronousPrompt(expenses) {
var promptInput = await readLineAsync("Give me some input >");
console.log("Won't be executed until promptInput is received", promptInput);
Old question, I know, but I just found the perfect tool for this. readline-sync gives you a synchronous way to collect user input in a node script.
It's dead simple to use and it doesn't require any dependencies (I couldn't use sync-prompt because of gyp issues).
From the github readme:
var readlineSync = require('readline-sync');
// Wait for user's response.
var userName = readlineSync.question('May I have your name? ');
console.log('Hi ' + userName + '!');
I'm not affiliated with the project in any way, but it just made my day, so I had to share.
I've come across this thread and all the solutions either:
- Don't actually provide a syncronous prompt solution
- Are outdated and don't work with new versions of node.
And for that reason I have created syncprompt
. Install it with npm i --save syncprompt
and then just add:
var prompt = require('syncprompt');
For example, this will allow you to do:
var name = prompt("Please enter your name? ");
It also supports prompting for passwords:
var topSecretPassword = prompt("Please enter password: ", true);
Vorpal.js is a library I made that has just recently been released. It provides synchronous command execution with an interactive prompt, like you are asking. The below code will do what you are asking:
var vorpal = require('vorpal')();
vorpal.command('do sync')
.action(function (args) {
return 'i have done sync';
With the above, the prompt will come back after a second is up (only after callback is called).