I'm using ansible in the following way:
ansible-playbook -f 1 my-play-book.yaml --ask-pass --ask-sudo-pass
After this I'm asked to enter the ssh & sudo passwords (same password for both).
Inside my playbook file I'm using synchronize task:
synchronize: mode=push src=rel/path/myfolder/ dest=/abs/path/myfolder/
For each host, I'm prompted to enter the ssh password of the remote host (the same that I entered in the beginning of the playbook run)
How can I avoid entering the password when executing synchronize task?
If you have setup the ssh keys correctly on the <host>, then the following should work.
ansible all -m synchronize -a "mode=push src=rel/path/myfolder/ dest=/abs/path/myfolder/" -i <host>, -vvv
I was able to get the above working without any password prompt.