<a href="javascript:void(0)" class="PrmryBtnMed"
onclick="$(this).parents('form').submit(); return false;"><span>Dispatch to this address</span></a>
If I was to give instructions to a human, I would say:
- look for a
<span>Dispatch to this address</span>
link; if it appears click it. (if there is more than one such link (for example there are two) just click the first one (or any of them)
I am using Greasekit, so I am looking to do this using JavaScript.
Thank you!
Updated: Now checks contents of element
var el = document.querySelector(".PrmryBtnMed"); //should only return first one
if (el && (el.textContent.trim() == 'Dispatch to this address')) {
Have a look at the querySelector and textContent for more information
I also added a JsFiddle for you: http://jsfiddle.net/NrGVq/1/
A different approach is to search the whole page, in case it's not inside the matched element
var inPage = document.documentElement.innerHTML.indexOf('text to search') > 0,
el = document.querySelector(".PrmryBtnMed");
if (inPage && el) el.click();