Is it possible to detect instances of firefox browsers that are being controlled by Selenium and geckodriver?
Note there is a corresponding answer for chromedriver, but I'd like to know whether this is possible for firefox/geckodriver.
Yes you can detect geckodriver controlled selenium with a simple check in JavaScript
var runningSelenium = !("showModalDialog" in window);
As others have pointed out, there are a variety of different ways that a site can fingerprint and detect that you are running a browser that has been automated by selenium. Luckily though, some of the detection mechanisms are remarkably simple and just look for a bunch of environmental defaults, such as the screen size etc.
For example, when using Selenium for testing the app OAUTH sign-up sequences for Dropbox etc, the CAPTCHA stage can be avoided by just setting the screen to a non-default value (and offsetting the browser window to simulate a taskbar):
@@headless = Headless.new( dimensions: '1600x1200x24' )
browser = Watir::Browser.new :firefox
width = browser.execute_script( 'return screen.width;' )
height = browser.execute_script( 'return screen.height;' ) - 95
browser.driver.manage.window.resize_to( width, height )
browser.driver.manage.window.move_to( 0,0 )