I want to create a simple social app to test performance of mongoDB For example I post a status "Hello every body, have a good day" my Social send notifications whenever others user "like","comments","share"
"A like your post" -> create a new notify
"B like your post" -> create a new notify
"C comment in your post" -> new no
"D comment in your post" -> new no
the first time, I try to design it like this
"link" : "",//link to post
"type": ""//like comment or share
"u_id": // the Id of user that like, comment,...etc
ohh, there are thousand notifications, even milion notifications are created every day for exam A, B , C also like your comment, C,D,E also comment in your post , I don't think with each notify like that we create a new respectively item. Then I have a idea
I add 3 field for post document like that
"content" :""
"like_notify" : //0 or 1
"comment" [uid,uid]
"comment_notify" : //0 or 1
"share": [uid,uid]
"share_notify" //0 or 1
comment //rest...
whenever a user comment in my post the flag "comment_notify" is turn to 1 to tell me that my post has a new comment
like "A comment in your post",
then C,D,E also comment in my post ,notify will be like that
"E,D and 2 others user also comment in your post"
"like" and "share" is so on
but a size limit of document is 16MB, that is good idea?
Do you have any idea for it!thank so much
router.post('/index/likestatus', function(req, res, next) {
// Get form values
var username = req.user.username; //get the username from the sessions get current username who is login
var name = req.user.name; //same as above line this time get name of user
var like = {
"name" : name,
"username": username
};// my like is embedded to every status or post store who like this status
"_id": req.body.iid //this is status id or post id ...replace status with post in yours case
"likes": like
}//this $push save the newlike in collection
function(err, doc) {
if(err) {
throw err
} else {
var newnotification = new notification
({postid:req.body.iid,,type:'like',uid:req.user.username,link:'yourlocalhost/'+post_id}).save(function (err) {
console.log(username+' has posted a new status');
);//this save function save new notifications for a user the collection is similar to your req.body.iid is get from form u submit and its status id ,uid:req.user.username you store username in uid as i say username is _id or primary key