I have got some problems while displaying an Iframe content within hidden DIV-Container.
As soon as the link gets clicked, the div container gets visible, that works so far, but the content within, which is an amp-iframe itself do not show up. Something is preventing the Iframe from loading the content.
Here is some code extract:
<a href="#" class="bsel" [text]="visible ? 'On' : 'Off'" on="tap:AMP.setState({visible: !visible})">
Click me
<div id="showInfo" [class]="visible ? 'show' : 'hide'" class="hide">
<amp-iframe width=600 height=500 scrolling=yes frameborder="1"
sandbox="allow-scripts allow-same-origin"
BTW: Without the show/hide effect the Iframe contents gets loaded and everything works alright.
What I am doing wrong?
Here is a working version:
<a href="#" class="bsel" [text]="visible ? 'On' : 'Off'" on="tap:showInfo.toggleVisibility">
Click me
<div id="showInfo" hidden>
<amp-iframe width=600 height=500 scrolling=yes frameborder="1" layout="responsive" sandbox="allow-scripts allow-same-origin" src="https://ampbyexample.com">
<div placeholder></div>
It's better to use the built-in hidden action in this case.