Reverse engineering a mysqldump output with MySQL Workbench gives “statement starting from pointed line contains non UTF8 characters” error

落爺英雄遲暮 提交于 2019-12-23 02:36:47


I have a huge .sql file from a mysqldump command. I ran this file in MySQL workbench and it seems to create the tables fine. But it gives the following error log

ERROR: Line 49076: SQL statement starting from pointed line contains non UTF8 characters. Statement skipped.

ERROR: Line 49077: SQL statement starting from pointed line contains non UTF8 characters. Statement skipped.

ERROR: Line 49078: SQL statement starting from pointed line contains non UTF8 characters. Statement skipped.

// Loads more skipped statements //

ERROR: Line 55722: SQL statement starting from pointed line contains non UTF8 characters. Statement skipped.

Is this something to worry about? it seems that the tables all build correctly.

I can't even get in and have a look at the lines that contain non UTF8 characters since the file is so big I can't open it with my installed text editors. If I could grep lines 49076 - 55722 and write to a txt file that would be ideal but I'm not sure how to grep specific lines.

Edit 1

So after running the suggested

sed -n '49076,49078p' dumpfile.sql > mydump.txt

I found that this section is huge for 3 lines of code (5.27 MB). They contain insert into statements that become unreadable at the end.


M@ÙØ©Å”mT@œ ´`wM@¯\r™þÙlT@”cØM@÷îˆlT@DòjNM@Çægö-lT@ìzÐÜØM@iW¥\0lT@̸I5ýL@ùÌlT@Ä„8ÿDøL@÷]•MlT@6øëãôL@…

theses appear at the ends of the statements,

// actual data above for insert into statement //
81.752505329767487,59.287405619999873 81.742705329767475)))
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// seemingly random characters for thousands of lines bellow// 

Is this a corrupted copy? or some other underlying problem with the way my database is condfigured?

