
Can I Import an updated structure into a MySQL table without losing its current content?

∥☆過路亽.° 提交于 2021-02-17 21:39:26
问题 We use MySQL tables to which we add new fields from time to time as our product evolves. I'm looking for a way to export the structure of the table from one copy of the db, to another, without erasing the contents of the table I'm importing to. For example say I have copies A and B of a table, and I add fields X,Y,Z to table A. Is there a way to copy the changed structure (fields X,Y,Z) to table B while keeping its content intact? I tried to use mysqldump, but it seems I can only copy the

mysqldump concurrency

*爱你&永不变心* 提交于 2021-02-04 19:40:08
问题 if I started mysqldump on a database, and then created a new table with new data, will this table be dumped? what's the concurrency behavior here? 回答1: Well, that is not sure, from Mysql Manual: --single-transaction This option sends a START TRANSACTION SQL statement to the server before dumping data. It is useful only with transactional tables such as InnoDB and BDB, because then it dumps the consistent state of the database at the time when BEGIN was issued without blocking any applications

Is there a good way to perform SQL dump of MySQL database in DataGrip?

試著忘記壹切 提交于 2021-01-27 02:54:05
问题 I'm trying to use JetBrains DataGrip as my primary DB tool. However, I still find myself using SequelPro for SQL Dump. Here is why: On a database level, I couldn't find any SQL dump functionality. The only options seems to be "copy DDL", which copies the schema, but not the content. On a table level, sure, I can export data as SQL Inserts. But then it seems the only way to do so is to export it from each table separately, which is unacceptable. Another downside is, when exporting data as

How to restore SQL file generated by MySQLDump using command prompt

Deadly 提交于 2020-11-25 07:21:05
问题 I have a SQL file generated by MySQLDump. How can I restore it via command prompt? 回答1: get to bin directory of mysql using command prompt log in to mysql run source command with file parameter Example : cd C:\mysql\bin mysql -u root -p mysql> source c:\myfile.sql 回答2: Run this command (if the mysql executable isn't in your PATH , first go to the directory where the MySQL binary is installed, something like \mysql\bin ): mysql -u username -ppassword databasename < file.sql (Note that there is

Skip tables in mysqldump based on a pattern

隐身守侯 提交于 2020-05-26 03:37:22
问题 Is there a way to restrict certain tables (ie. start with name 'test') from the mysqldump command? mysqldump -u username -p database \ --ignore-table=database.table1 \ --ignore-table=database.table2 etc > database.sql But the problem is, there is around 20 tables with name start with 'test'. Is there any way to skip these tables(without using these long command like " --ignore-table=database.table1 --ignore-table=database.table2 --ignore-table=database.table3 .... --ignore-table=database

Skip tables in mysqldump based on a pattern

无人久伴 提交于 2020-05-26 03:37:20
问题 Is there a way to restrict certain tables (ie. start with name 'test') from the mysqldump command? mysqldump -u username -p database \ --ignore-table=database.table1 \ --ignore-table=database.table2 etc > database.sql But the problem is, there is around 20 tables with name start with 'test'. Is there any way to skip these tables(without using these long command like " --ignore-table=database.table1 --ignore-table=database.table2 --ignore-table=database.table3 .... --ignore-table=database

Skip tables in mysqldump based on a pattern

痞子三分冷 提交于 2020-05-26 03:36:42
问题 Is there a way to restrict certain tables (ie. start with name 'test') from the mysqldump command? mysqldump -u username -p database \ --ignore-table=database.table1 \ --ignore-table=database.table2 etc > database.sql But the problem is, there is around 20 tables with name start with 'test'. Is there any way to skip these tables(without using these long command like " --ignore-table=database.table1 --ignore-table=database.table2 --ignore-table=database.table3 .... --ignore-table=database

Skip tables in mysqldump based on a pattern

断了今生、忘了曾经 提交于 2020-05-26 03:36:30
问题 Is there a way to restrict certain tables (ie. start with name 'test') from the mysqldump command? mysqldump -u username -p database \ --ignore-table=database.table1 \ --ignore-table=database.table2 etc > database.sql But the problem is, there is around 20 tables with name start with 'test'. Is there any way to skip these tables(without using these long command like " --ignore-table=database.table1 --ignore-table=database.table2 --ignore-table=database.table3 .... --ignore-table=database


邮差的信 提交于 2020-04-07 04:23:11
1、系统管理 1.1 连接MySQL   格式 : mysql -h主机地址 -u用户名 -p用户密码   举例 :   例1 :连接到本机上的MySQL。   首先在打开DOS窗口,然后进入目录 mysqlbin,再键入命令"mysql –u root –p",回车后提示你输密码,如果刚安装好MySQL,超级用户"root"是没有密码的,故直接回车即可进入到MySQL中了,MySQL的提示符是: mysql>。   例2 :连接到远程主机上的MYSQL。假设远程主机的IP为:,用户名为root,密码为abcd123。则键入以下命令: mysql -h -u root –p abcd123   备注 :u与root可以不用加空格,其它也一样。   退出MySQL命令: exit (回车)。 1.2 修改新密码   格式 :mysqladmin -u用户名 -p旧密码 password 新密码   举例 :   例1 :给root加个密码ab12。首先在DOS下进入目录mysqlbin,然后键入以下命令: mysqladmin -u root -password ab12   备注 :因为开始时root没有密码,所以-p旧密码一项就可以省略了。   例2 :再将root的密码改为djg345。 mysqladmin -u


可紊 提交于 2020-04-06 01:12:54
Mysql安装目录 数据库目录 /var/lib/mysql/ 配置文件 /usr/share/mysql(mysql.server命令及配置文件) 相关命令 /usr/bin(mysqladmin mysqldump等命令) 启动脚本 /etc/init.d/mysql(启动脚本文件mysql的目录) 系统管理 连接MySQL 格式: mysql -h 主机地址 -u用户名 -p用户密码 例 1:连接到本机上的 MySQL。 hadoop@ubuntu:~$ mysql -uroot -pmysql; 例 2:连接到远程主机上的 MYSQL。 hadoop@ubuntu:~$ mysql -h -uroot -pmysql; 修改新密码 在终端输入:mysql -u用户名 -p密码,回车进入Mysql。 > use mysql; > update user set password=PASSWORD('新密码') where user='用户名'; > flush privileges; #更新权限 > quit; #退出 增加新用户 格式:grant select on 数据库.* to 用户名@登录主机 identified by '密码' 举例: 例 1:增加一个用户 test1 密码为 abc,让他可以在任何主机上登录,并对所有数据库有 查询、插入