Geb & Spock - If/Then/Else logic - How to check for a record and do one thing if it exists but continue on if it doesn't

蓝咒 提交于 2019-12-23 01:42:03


I'm testing the creation and then removal of a record on my site using Geb/Spock. However I can't create the record if it already exists and so I check for the existence of the record and remove it if it exists in the beginning of the test. The problem occurs when the record does not exist, causing the test to fail. Is there a way to incorporate some if/then/else logic so the test will continue if it does not find the record in the beginning and remove it if it does find it?

Edit for example code:

 * Integration test for Create Record
class CreateAndRemoveRecordSpec extends GebSpec {

def 'check to make sure record 999 does not exist'() {

    given: 'user is at Account Page'
    to MyAccountPage

    when: 'the user clicks the sign in link'
    waitFor { }

    and: 'user logs on with credentials'
    at LoginPage

    then: 'user is at landing page.'
    at MyAccountPage

    and: 'list of saved records is displayed'

    /* I would like some sort of if here so the test doesn't fail if there is no record*/
    when: 'record 999 exists'

    then: 'remove record 999'

    /* continue on with other tests without failing whether or not the record exists */

def 'test to create record 999'() {}

def 'test to remove record 999'() {}


You could do something like:

when: 'record 999 exists'
def displayed = record(999).displayed

then: 'remove record 999'
!displayed || deleteRecord(999).click()

If record(999) isn't displayed then the !displayed statement will evaluate to true, and so the deleteRecord(999).click() shouldn't get evaluated, therefore causing the test to pass.

When the record is displayed, !displayed will evaluate to false, and so spock will have to evaluate the deleteRecord(999).click() statement, providing the desired behavior.

This works based on short-circuit evaluation (which Java and Groovy both use)

