Unable to integrate crashlytics in eclipse with ADT

两盒软妹~` 提交于 2019-12-22 11:17:10


I followed setting up plugin to integrate crashlytics from this link

From eclipse, I logged into my fabric account and selected my project.

Plugin made necessary changes to manifest and launch activity.

It asked to build & run my app to complete step 1.

But I am getting -


Please guide me how to build crashlytics and integrate further.


In your project, there are 5 fabric libraries under the "kit-libs" folder.

Right click the build.xml in every library -> Run As -> Ant Build

It should solve the issue.


Although @Pyngon is on the right track, I found that the my Ant build run configuration within Eclipse (Mars) didn't know, or pick up, the 'ANDROID_HOME' environmental variable (echo $ANDROID_HOME confirms the SDK's path as '/Users/my.name/Library/Android/sdk' on my Mac, Yosemite 10.10.4).

To get Ant to use this variable, I had to define it within each individual run configuration, e.g.:

  • /your.project.path/platforms/android/kit-libs/io-fabric-sdk-android_fabric/build.xml -> Run As -> External Tools Configurations -> Environment (tab) -> Add new 'ANDROID_HOME' SDK path value.


Fortunately, I was able to resolve this issue with Eclipse. This is what I did. Configure the build path for the io-fabric-sdk-android_fabric project that is imported by the Fabric eclipse plugin.

Select a valid android build target, in my case I selected Android 4.4.2. Click 'OK' to apply.

You might need to repeat this for all the Fabric projects imported. i.e crashylitics, digits, twitter, mopub e.t.c.

com-crashlytics-sdk-android_answers com-crashlytics-sdk-android_beta com-crashlytics-sdk-android_crashlytics com-crashlytics-sdk-android_crashlytics-core com-digits-sdk-android_digits com-twitter-sdk-android_tweet-composer com-twitter-sdk-android_tweet-ui com-twitter-sdk-android_twitter com-twitter-sdk-android_twitter-core

